Thursday, March 5, 2020

Internet Application in Marriotts Value Chain essays

Internet Application in Marriotts Value Chain essays In order to compete with the ongoing competition and cope with the present trend in the hotel industry, Marriott has integrated internet technology into their value chains. For instance, more and more people are making travel arrangements over the net; therefore Marriot needs to have a website to capture this market. In addition, most hotels have extended their sales channels through their websites. After careful examination of Marriotts website,, it was discovered that internet technology has been applied on the following activities: Primary activities marketing Secondary activities firm infrastructure and human resource management. Furthermore, on all the activities included in Marriotts value chain, it is in marketing and selling that the internet has been applied thoroughly. Marriott has an excellent online product catalog, with an ample description for each product and its availability during the time of screening. The products are also categorized to help the client choose easily among the numerous products it offers. Furthermore, each product is associated with a certain keyword for search purposes. For instance, the Disneyland package is associated with family keyword so if ever someone searched the product catalog for family, this Disneyland package would show on search result. Another example is the hotel listings. After one has chosen from the given options on the search engine, the search result would provide a listing of the hotels that matches his preferences. The internet has also been applied to the outbound logistics of Marriott. Aside from viewing the Marriotts products online, one can make a booking of a room, function room, or packages on the website as well. In addition, the client could choose from the given options and/or request for specific preference. For instance, a client could choose the bed type and location of th ...

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