Wednesday, July 17, 2019

English Exit Exam Essay

My piece of music expedition this semester has been a roller coaster. Since the beginning of this race I rescue improved in so many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) different areas. When I first began in this order, I didnt have a clue how to start my demonstrates. I wasnt very(prenominal) trusty with being descriptive either. On top of that, re indite was something I hated to do. My paternity process was very messy and organization was never something I conside rubor when typography a paper. Since taking this elucidate my skills in organization, revision, and commentary have improved tremendously.I wasnt a big fan of drafting before I started this class. My pen process has always been in all told everyplace the place. I could be writing paragraph virtuoso and then skip to paragraph four for no apparent reason. Sometimes I would just pull with different paragraphs on different pieces of paper and then put them all to subscribe toher afterwards. In this class I was taught why drafting is so all important(p) to my writing process. It helped me be to a greater extent organized and less(prenominal) stressed. My mind was in one and only(a) place and on track, rather than all over the place.If drafting and organizational skills werent already big enough issues to address with, then revision definitely was. In the past, I hated having to read over my paper repeatedly until it was near perfect. On top of that, event though my personality is big, it doesnt mean Im big on sharing my work. I was stimulate that if I made a simple wrongdoing the person revising my paper would mean I was stupid. After reading over some of my classmates papers I larn they made some of the resembling mistakes as me. Then I came to realize Im only human and Im going to make mistakes. It was something I had to press mapping to and Im glad I resolved that problem in my life.Even though I did a lot of writing in my incline class, there were other things we ha d to do similarly. Almost every night we had to read in our textbook. The textbook taught me a lot about the safe and wrong things to do while writing. It also explained to me the different styles of writing and gave volume of examples. non only did I read the book, further I finished an online writing class. This Writing crystallize was mainly about grammar and how to mark grammar errors. Before writing class, I really didnt know how to usage commas.I would guess most of the time and expect I was right. I should have known one day it was going to catch up with me and it did. luckily for me, I had a wonderful professor to take me and help me with my problem. After studying my professors lecture and doing the online activities, I was ready to take the online quiz. When I took it, I passed it with flying colors. I really worked unverbalized in all the subjects in Writing dissever and I ended up passing all of the quizzes, even the post test.I was recently instructed to re tool two of my previous essays Ive written in class for my portfolio. I automatically knew which ones I cute to revise. My first one was about my writing journey throughout life. I needed to be more descriptive and also had some grammatical errors to piece. The essay was based upon how I used to read to my peers in Pre-K, which led to me making my own short stories. It also tells about the time I had my poem publish in high school by my teacher.Not being descriptive was the main problem I had with this essay. When I wrote my draft I didnt keystone a picture for my audience to see where I was coming from. Instead of saying The big red chair, I would just write, the chair and the battle in these two quotes are obvious and fucking automatically tell which one is more descriptive. With many changes made to this essay I would say I worked really hard on this one. Especially since it was a more personal subject, I put a lot of work into it.My second essay subsidisation was to write about a club or organization on campus. The purpose of the essay was to get new college students to join the club of my choice. I chose ROTC because I was a part of it in high school. I love the feeling I got from my lieutenant and cadets. We were all like a big family and kept up with each other a lot. From speaking to a former cadet that attends GGC, I have support that ROTC is the same at this school in many aspects. When writing my draft, again, I didnt explain things thoroughly.I needed more evidence to support my claims. In many sentences I didnt use the right word either. Misspelled words and comma splices were all through my paper. When I took the time to revise it, I was suitable to fix these problems. Instead of letting Microsoft Word pass on back my mistakes, I carefully read through it and did it myself. I reviewed the comma splice lesson and was able to find where those were in my paper. When I did more research on the club, I was able to add more details to my pap er. In no time my final copy looked alone from where I started.As a child I was told hard work will definitely pass off. With all my hard work in the class I am hoping that it will surely pay off in me exiting this class early. I have learned to revise my papers, be more descriptive, correct grammatical errors, and last but not to the lowest degree have an organized writing process. With the skills Ive learned in this class I will be able to succeed in my other classes. all class in college has some form of writing so I will never get away from it. In order to succeed in my major, I will need to take my writing seriously. It is amazing how I was able to learn so much in so little time. I am glad I was able to fix my faults and write a great paper. I think you will enjoy my portfolio and be more than intelligent to pass me.

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