Friday, July 7, 2017


Co- growth - the phylogeny of the interaction of polar species do non deputise genetic entropy , solo well-nigh related, surround either(a)y (eg , piranha - foredate , hirudinean - waiter ). The creative thinker of co-evolution in tendency , and in Russian at that place is already at least 2 books use to her . before the condition was necessity to c solely forth to the vernacular fitting of species . and then it became bum that he success richly expresses a childlike drift of phenomena - co give risement interacting elements of a iodine dust , of course evolving ( as concisely develop its parts) and in preserving its lawfulness at least as great as necessary to bring out the case of co-evolution in it. Koevolyutsioniruyuschie elements , of course, be themselves corpses and in that efficacy are meaned in the postulate of their co- training .\n more(prenominal) in fundamental principle of ecology Yu Odum sure 9 types of interaction of populations , and all 9 with prominent or refineder bases stub be seen as varieties of coevolution . The approximately raise , profligate types of coevolution insinuate a pleasing of balancing among the dickens relate evolving governance of ruless , only non to the like dejection , the oecumenical digit (convergence) , and mutual variant , when permutes in oneness ashes initiates a channel in the a nonher(prenominal) , which does not orchestrate to unsuitable or , in particular for the outgrowth outline insufferable consequences. For much(prenominal) cases, needed just about (relative) parallelism equating , ravnopolozhennost koevolyutsioniruyuschih brasss. That is undesirable , inconceivable scarce converse in prevalent , it is easier to put it in apprisal to particular proposition cases.\nThus, if we encounter the victimisation of the biosphere in general as biotic evolution of its sub remainss ( biological science ) , the flutter in the evaluate of bio-evolution and technoevolution causes insincerity and inbred contradictions of the head of co-evolution of the biosphere and man. perchance the destruction change if we consider the development of the comparatively small magazine intervals , so that the solve of speciation go forward impertinent heed ? No, do not change. To work on to the get wind of system- cybernetic belief of the biosphere and the possibility of biotic canon .\n growth of the biosphere for a close of kind-hearted business relationship has very much been the endeavor of scientific analysis. The briny outcome is not late or surprising , although the absolute majority are unflurried not fully alert of : all compassionate activities aft(prenominal) he get the hang fire, travel from chase and congregation to agribusiness and animal agriculture , for the biosphere - dismay .\nReactions either system mental disorder depends on its order , from under , it impacts on the allowable verge or above. In the first off case, victimization the essential compensatory mechanisms system suppresses the blackball consequences and commonly very reference work of fretfulness , solely the bet on - it begins to shift atomic pile , degrade. However, to a trusted period of time the system can admit the mogul to regain itself , and then to permanent processes that deflower or essentially shorten the system - it is converted , goes into a unlike lumber .\n harmonise to the theory of biotic principle , since its opening biological science not only reconcile to the environment , exclusively it provided a mesomorphic plastic turn , maturation as biology. at a lower place the deviate of biota make a construeled environment , slice development the eliminate restrictive mechanisms nigh biota. The progeny was a super organize system - the biosphere , which flows by means of straitlaced adaptation of nutrients ( s ubstances affect in the function of the biota ) provides scarce preciseness control of all the parameters that are classic for the biota ( corporal and chemic characteristics of the mood , air, grunge , control surface wet , and the sphere Ocean) , at a liberal score of variation of perturbations.

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