Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Business Law and Ethics Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law and Ethics Final - Essay Example Treating workers fairly and equally is important. Making them feel that they are fairly treated is even more vital. Perhaps, the freedom for employees, and by extension, for Americans is the greatest contributing force towards the continued country’s prosperity and development. Indeed, our very founding can be traced back on the yearning of equality and freedom. As the economy continues to soar, the labor force and working patterns are also constantly changing. Besides, more enterprises are becoming multinational, and, as a result, more Americans are working abroad. In the light of this, the discussion in this paper explores more on the principles of freedom and equality. As a prelude to the understanding on how the principles of freedom and equality have been applied in American companies in overseas, it is critical to define some of the major terms that constantly feature in the paper. By definition, the term freedom refers to the power to think or act without restraint or hindrance (Pollock, 2003). It stems from the word free, which means not been under the control of anyone or been able to act as one wish. However, one peculiar definition of this term is that freedom is never free. Basically, this means that freedom comes at a cost. For instance, in colonial days, people fought for freedom. On the other hand, equality ensures that individuals (workers) are treated fairly without any discrimination on the basis of sex, race, gender, religion, age, or disability. Harassment, victimization, and bullying are considered as diversity and equality issues (Callinicos, 2000). Freedom is the foundation of our society. In the workplace, giving workers the chance to voice their objectives can be a solid move towards attracting and retaining top talents. Managers should value employee’s freedom and flexibility in the workplace. Freedom in the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Marketing strategies of Apple Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing strategies of Apple Inc - Essay Example When Apple was established in 1977, a three point marketing philosophy was assembled by founding members, which also became the underlying market strategy for the company (Forbes, 2012). The company still runs on these three marketing and strategic principles, where all planning and implementation processes are based on above strategies. These are;1. Empathy: Understanding exact needs of the consumers and identifying them in a faster and better manner compared to any other organization.2. Focus: Eliminating all issues and problems before utilizing internal and external opportunities.3. Impute: A book is always judged by its outer appearance or cover. Similarly, making a great service or product will not prove beneficial if the offerings are communicated ineffectively. This is where the marketing strategies come into action. The offerings are presented in a professional and creative manner imputing the desired attributes. Apple has been integrating its marketing strategies with the ab ove marketing principles and has successfully achieved sustainable competitive advantage. According to Chimhanzi and Morgan (2005), companies focusing on human resource and marketing alignment are able to attain success faster and in a more convenient manner compared to those, whose focus is directed only at profit making strategies. Hence, findings provide an important input that marketing executives should improve their relationship with the human resource departments through strategies such as, written communication and joint rewards.