Sunday, January 26, 2020

Goals Systems Theory: Overview

Goals Systems Theory: Overview Jenna Lyles Section B 1. Equifinality: To understand the system property of Equifinality is to understand the old adage â€Å"There’s more than one way to skin a cat.† This means that ultimately the guarantee of success is not reliant on taking/completing any singular path, procedure, or means of fulfilling a system goal. No one way is the only way, as there are multiple ways in which an organization can reach its goal(s). Equifinality Example: This can be exemplified in the University of Central Florida’s attempt to garner more football game attendance. Initially the university promised large amounts of Link Loot. 1,000 Link Loot points if you come out to the UCF game! (The campaign sought to boost school spirit and morale. I mean, where else do you fully immerse yourself in the college experience if not at your university’s football games?) This attempt was successful, primarily amongst freshman, to whom the idea of Link Look seemed especially promising (it doesn’t fully hit you how broke you are until you’re sitting in your freshman community dorm eating a 38-cent cup of Ramen) because it promoted the chance at winning a scholarship. Game attendance did indeed rise, but then, UCF implemented a new tactic. UCF eventually ended the Link Loot process towards the end of 2012. This posed a problem, how would UCF keep attendance at a high? They university had to think of anothe r way—take another route—to ensure game attendance stay peaked. Well they found one indeed. When UCF started winning its football games we all noticed how much the advertising and broadcasting of our commendable record all over campus shot up. It seemed everywhere you turned our undefeated record was thrown in your face. Naturally, people that lacked school spirit or any interest in showing up at the game only to watch UCF get stomped, picked up. Attendance reached an through the roof again because of UCF’s steady effort to get the word out that the University of Central Florida meant business on the field this year. Thus, we have two different means of garnering football game attendance that were able to work interchangeably. The variety used meet the system goal (high football game attendance) stemmed from two different changes which yielded the same result. 2. Multifinality: Multifinality is the system property that can best be epitomized in â€Å"the pursuit of multiple goals by means of a single activity (Shah et al., 2002). Essentially, it is the notion that one act has the power to spawn multiple reactions. Multifinality is preferable to causes which produce one effect as multifinality is the equivalent of getting an exceptional bang for a regular buck, so to speak. Multifinality Example: At Oakleaf High School when one class ends a bell sounds signaling that students are to proceed to their next class a minute before the tardy bell (which declares them late if they have not reached their next destination) sounds a â€Å"warning bell† sounds. This let’s students know that they have approximately 60 seconds to get to their next class. To say that the halls of Oakleaf High School remained, until the shrill of that warning bell blasted, packed, was an understatement. To reduce the socializing that took place in between classes (that which our three vice principals thought aided tardiness) our principal (Mr. Broski) did away with the warning bell. The first week of the new policy showed promising results in more regions than one: tardiness was at a low, there were less accidents on the stairs (since people were not flying down them, racing to class), and the hallways were finally navigable! In this way Oakleaf High School (the system) killed not two, but three birds with one stone! The stone, or goal in this case, being the pursuit of reducing socializing in between classes. 3. Negative Entropy: Negative entropy is the system property by which a system is able to preserve itself and additionally promote the system’s growth. The notion of negative entropy extensively harps on the significance of a system engaging in necessary exchangesnecessary in that these exchanges permit system survival and success with its environment. In this way, negative entropy suggests that a system’s exhibits a definite dependence on a circulation of information/components shared between it and its environment. Negative Entropy Example: An example of multifinality can be found in the closing-down of Blockbusters nation-wide. Blockbuster was a booming movie and game rental business, before entertainment conveniences like Netflix arrived on the scene. Blockbuster remained closed to its environment in that by the time it considered incorporating methods liken to Netflix and OnDemand (online access to entertainment, mail services, etc.) it was too late and they had suffered irrecoverable blows to their revenue. Ultimately Blockbuster would go out of business, shutting down all of their corporate-owned stores. The CEO’s of Blockbuster primarily owe their failure to a stinted interaction with their environment. The failure to see and adjust to the world of entertainment around them, especially methods of renting/viewing entertainment from the convenience of your home, delineates how they ignored the very environment responsible for their system’s (Blockbuster’s) viability. An argument can definitely be made that the company might have otherwise avoided deterioration if they had maintained an ebb and flow of information between themselves and the progressing environment around them. 4. Requisite Variety: Requisite variety is another system property in which the imperativeness of the relationship between a system and its environment is addressed. Requisite variety is, in itself, self-explanatory. Put a simple â€Å"of† in the middle of requisite and variety and you end up with a concise explanation of the notion: requisite of variety. Meaning, the variety within a system (its inner workings, fundamentals, mechanics, etc.) imposes the requisition that the system’s environment be composed of a liken variety. Basically, the environment of a system should match the system’s innards itself, with regard to complication and diversity (for evolution and survival). Why is this necessary? A system that is ill-equipped to handle/adapt to the intricacies of its environment will be overrun with complication and falter. Requisite Variety Example: The easiest way for me to apply this property is to think about instances in which I (the system) have felt overwhelmed and unable to adapt to the intricacies of the situation around me (the environment). A year ago I was my neighbor’s go-to babysitter. She had the kindest, most docile baby boy: Ethan. He was no problem to babysit; easy to entertain, not a picky-eater, and knocked right out after a bedtime story or two. My means of handling him were ingrained and perfected, and so when Barbara (my neighbor) asked if would mind looking after Mateo and Carlos (Ethan’s cousins) I told her that would be no problem. Unbeknownst to me, Mateo and Carlos were far from the little angel that Ethan was. Mateo was lactose intolerant and Carlos had ADHD which was in full-throttle come 8 o’clock. On top of all of this, Barbara requested I watch the boys at their (Mateo and Carlos’s) house because Ethan was spending the night there. I found mys elf unprepared to surmount the obstacles my environment had set in my path; the change in house layout made it impossible to find simple items, I couldn’t find anything (nutritious, anyway) to feed Mateo, Carlos had Ethan on the brink of tears because he was tired and agitated and Carlos kept messing with him, and all three of them seemed unresponsive to my suggestion that everybody go to bed. The end-result was me calling Barbara to admit defeat and ask that she come back home. Thus we have I, the system, was not unable to keep up with the diversity and complications that my environment imposed. This resulted in system failure, as requisite variety confirms it will. References J.Y. Shah, A. Fishbach, R. Friedman, W. Chun, and D. Sleeth-Keppler (2002), â€Å"A Theory of  Goals Systems,† in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 34, M.P. Zanna,  ed. New York: Academic Press, 331–78.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Healthy Eating Habits of African Americans Essay

America is an overweight nation with many being considered obese; African Americans in particular, make up a considerable fraction of the population due mainly to culturally poor eating habits and inactive lifestyles. The latest Gallup-Healthways well-being Index survey shows that up to 63. 1% of the US population was overweight or obese in 2009. That means two out of every three adults and 17% of children in this country are overweight. Out of that number, approximately 60% are African American men and 78% African American women. The survey also says that African Americans were the most likely to be obese at 36. 2% compared to a national average of 26. 5%. Disturbingly, African Americans rank at the top of many similar health studies. This group is at a higher risk for chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are normally lifetime diseases that have no cure, but can be treated and maintained. African Americans lead all other ethnic groups in the nation in most statistics on obesity. Even though the numbers are alarming and a bit sobering, there are a variety of unhealthy habits that help contribute. The top reasons for many of these social and health issues lifestyle choices that can be prevented by proper education on health and fitness. For many Americans, poor lifestyle choices make for vulnerability to an assortment of health issues. One of the challenges for African Americans to overcome is healthy food choices. The cultural diet that many African Americans share makes this even more of a hurdle so to speak. African Americans have a rich family tradition of soul food that can present problems for today’s less active lifestyles. Many African Americans accept the notion that soul food is African-American recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. â€Å"Soul food† meals traditionally depend on high levels of sugar, fat and salt for flavoring. Even though this may have some degree of truth to it, decreasing portion sizes and modifying recipes, can insure that blacks continue their cultural heritage of family eating traditions without expanding their waistlines. Decreasing the holesterol, fat and sodium content in their diets; African Americans can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes complications. Often these instructions by doctors and fitness experts result in dishes that can seem unfamiliar. According to the Department of Agriculture, (2002)11% of American households did not have access, at all times for to enough food for their family to support an active and healthy lifestyle. There is a direct relationship in the diets and eating habits of African Americans based on their socioeconomic status and education. African Americans have this and other cultural challenges to overcome. For example frying food is common method of cooking for African Americans due to the fast cooking time and versatility of meals that can be arranged quickly. The lack of affordability of higher quality meats, vegetables and fruits can also impact the opportunity leaner diets. A large amount of African Americans are on the poorer end of the poverty scale. Families scrambling to barely feed their households often select the cost conscious foods versus nutrition. The average African American family household income according to the Economic Census Bureau report (2007) was $33,916 compared to $54,920 for non-Hispanic White families. These issues are by no means excuses and in fact, change easily by a focus on health education and better diets alternatives. Meals can be modified by purchasing meats with less fat, fresh, green vegetables and fruit. African Americans can choose also choose better cooking methods such as baked, grilled or broiled. These methods can reduce saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium while keeping the original, intended flavor of the food. Many cookbooks and recipes have been created to offer options and alternative to traditional soul food and unhealthy â€Å"quick† meals. African Americans of all ethnic groups in the United States have shown the most difficulty choosing diets that are low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This would require a huge change in diet quality and working against this is the greater marketability of packaged and processed foods. The packagings of processed foods seem strategically designed to attract certain demographics and African Americans do not seem to be exempt. African Americans have the highest risk of almost all diet-related disease when compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes are all leading causes of death in blacks. It’s a well know fact that being overweight can be dangerous to our health, however African Americans have to worry more about life-threatening disease like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and certain forms of cancer. African Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes as non-Latin white adults. Type 2 diabetes is more prevalent in African Americans because fat interferes with body’s ability to use insulin. Death from heart disease was 30% more likely among African Americans compared to their white counterparts. (2005, CDC) The most serious forms of cancer like lung, prostate, breast, and stomach also are more likely to be a cause of death in blacks than whites. These often fatal diseases can be traced back to poor eating habits. Heart attacks are often discovered to start from blockage of arteries from high cholesterol and saturated fat. Proper screening and regular checkups is a proactive way to early detection. Many African Americans do not get blood screenings or physicals regular, let alone have a primary-care physician. Changing to more active lifestyles and a regular exercise routine are critical ingredients needed to reduce the chances African Americans have for stroke and heart attack. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African Americans were 50% less likely to participate in active physical activity as non-Hispanic whites. Considering this, it’s of no surprise that they die from heart disease and stroke almost twice the rate of Whites also. A professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, Robert Newton Jr. , PhD, said in his Exercise for African Americans article that one of the perceptions of African Americans have is the belief that work provides sufficient exercise. Many African Americans are blue collar workers and often do strenuous jobs. He goes on to say other so-called barriers African Africans declare prevents them from regular exercise are myths like messing up their hair styles or dislike of public showers. Whether there is any validity to these claims or not, African Americans must educate themselves on the benefits of regular exercise and the affects of an in-active lifestyle. There are many books, programs, clubs and social activities that offer the specific, specialized support African Americans need in order to improve their overall health as a group. Many unhealthy habits of African Americans can be changed by simply adding in a regular exercise routine. Regular exercise brings along with it the desire to eat healthier. African Americans will first need to make some tough and ometimes unfamiliar choices. Choosing a family doctor or primary care physician is a positive step in the right direction. This is especially important when there are current health issues or one hasn’t been active lately. Educating themselves around the specific trends and downfalls they have as an ethnic group, can be a motivating factor in a lifestyle change. Also, developing a regular exercise routine will take firm commitment and discipline. One of the easiest ways African Americans can incorporate this into their current lifestyles is to start sneaking it into their daily activities. For example, they could take the stairs instead of the elevator at work, or go for walks during breaks or lunches. Even doing housework at a fast past can get the heart rate up and pumping. Yard work like raking leaves can provide extra-curricular activity too. Gym memberships and personals trainers can be a barrier to some African Americans due to the costs and fees associated with them. African Americans don’t have to look very far to find alternatives. Various local churches sponsor health programs or have created fitness committees to help improve their congregations health. A lot of companies sponsor mini-marathons or charity races to help a local cause and keep its staff in better physical shape. African Americans are still at the highest risk for a shorter life expectancy due to generations of poor eating habits and a lack of general health knowledge. These trends are evident in many Americans, but disproportionately still more in African Americans. With continued focus, attention and education by experts, schools, churches, even media and society as a whole, there can be a cultural shift. African Americans can close the gap between them and other ethnic groups in health statistics like obesity and body mass indexes (BMI). This is especially essential between blacks and non-Hispanic whites where the biggest gaps are evident. Chronic and diet related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer can all partly be attributed to lifestyle choices. Healthful living, proper diets, and active lifestyles can greatly improve the health of all Americans, but essentially the African American people.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Things You Wont Like About Paper Writing Service for College and Things You Will

Things You Won't Like About Paper Writing Service for College and Things You Will The Battle Over Paper Writing Service for College and How to Win It One reason why we are thought of as one of the very best college paper writing services on the world wide web is because we don't sell pre-written essays that have already been sold to other folks. You do not need to be concerned about acquiring a paper written by somebody who's writing their very first essay. Your paper is going to be crafted by real professionals, so act right now and buy your essay for reasonable prices! If you're unhappy with the standard of the essay, you're most likely to get your money back. The essay you will receive has not yet been used by anyone else, and won't be employed by anyone else. There's an array of reasons why students may fail to be in a position to compose their essays and the reason why they would require a paper writing service to help them out. Utilizing a writing service is the best means to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to guarantee the essays you write are hitting each one of the essential points and are at the appropriate depth needed for your academic grade. Paper Writing Service for College and Paper Writing Service for College - The Perfect Combination Your quality paper will be sent straight to your email account. Regardless the reasons you've got, we're all set to take over and supply you with any variety of assignments in the shortest terms. Fantastic writing solutions, like the ones I discussed above will be in a position to a id you with any facet of your assignments. As you see, there are a great deal of reasons to locate expert help with your custom made composing. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Paper Writing Service for College It is necessary for a student to spot the sort of term paper he's handling. To start with, it is dependent upon how the student utilizes the completed paper which you receive. For this reason, you simply receive a special paper, and it'll stay unique since it is not going to be shared to any other individual. If you've got a completed paper and don't understand how to handle it, we've got a solution for you. Therefore, if you're not sure whether to compose a paper or not, try to remember that it might turn the scales in your favor. So should you need an excellent paper written quickly to receive an acceptable cost, then turn to us and we'll support you. As the outcome, you will be given a plagiarism-free paper written depending on your instructions. With our assistance, you will observe how you won't fail any class in any way. College isn't as straightforward as people think that it is, thus, knowing all the tools which are available and making the most out of them is the intelligent decision that may lead you to success. It's understandable that students search for low prices since they want a bargain. The Essentials of Paper Writing Service for College You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately At the end, you can wind up receiving a plagiarized or very low excellent pa per from the exact same company you were led to believe was the very best. Each ideal essay providers review will provide you with detailed evaluation of the most important facets of a writing service. It is difficult to obtain an agency that provides free services for academic papers, though some students still feel that they may acquire such services. Essay writing services are becoming increasingly more popular among students for a number of reasons. Life offers students a range of problems, and sometimes. The Pain of Paper Writing Service for College Hence, you think ordering a newspaper might aid you at the present moment. The exact same editorial quality check procedure is included with the essay revision service process also. Almost unbelievable that this sort of service exists. In addition, editing services are much less expensive than custom sample writing. The business employs expert writers specializing in many fields. It's crucial that the service you decide on knows for sure they're only choosing the very best essay writers. When you ask us to find academic writing help, we'll assess the demands of your buy and we're most likely to locate the perfect author to complete it. When you request us to acquire academic writing help, we'll rate the demands of your buy and we're most likely to obtain the perfect writer to complete it. Original content As you may have noticed, there are a good deal of writing services you find it possible to find online. As soon as you've found something it is possible to write about, do a main research to learn if there's enough information for you to rely on. The very first place to examine is the review section of the genuine website. All you have to do is to set your order online or call us.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Vaccine War Essay - 1154 Words

Through the rise of technological advances in medicine, the vaccine has changed the world for the greater good of the human race. Making a great triumph and virtually eliminating an array of life-threatening diseases, from smallpox to diphtheria, thus adding approximately thirty years to many humans’ life spans. Although, a new complication has arisen, possibly linking neurological digression with this rise of new vaccines. Such a digression has forced parents to exempt their children from receiving vaccinations and brought forth mental anguish affecting the minds of many. In the Frontline episode The Vaccine War, a progressively distressful debate ensues among many scientists and doctors within the public health system and an†¦show more content†¦In addition, several celebrities make an appearance to illustrate their views on this matter. Celebrities such as former Playboy Playmate Jenny McCarthy and companion Jim Carrey as well as an appearance from a Redskins c heerleader Desiree Jennings, all who claim there is a connection between vaccines and neurological disorders. Though there is a vast amount of compelling data from both sides of the spectrum this issue has yet to be resolved because the situation is very complicated. Furthermore, the debate has escalated far beyond just the medical risks and benefits but now has an ideological principle regarding a parent’s decision and governmental confines. Scientist Hank Jennings says, â€Å"They still want it to be a choice. They don’t want it to be compulsory† (Palfreman, 2010). Additionally, despite the scientific fact that vaccines are safe, government rule regarding parental choice is another component increasing the fight against vaccines. Throughout The Vaccine War, the particular theory exemplified on the human behavior is Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Cognitive Dissonance Theory is a notion created by Leon Festinger that disputes that dissonance is an awkward feel ing that encourages people to take action to diminish it. This theory is composed of two components: cognitions and cognitive dissonance. Cognitions are defined as, â€Å"ways of knowing,Show MoreRelatedThe Vaccine War: Media Theory Essay941 Words   |  4 PagesSynopsis After watching The Vaccine War, the main concerns of vaccines are public safety, the aftermath of injecting harmful chemicals into ones’ body and the parents that choose not to vaccinate their children. In the beginning of the documentary, a mother, Jennifer Margulis, states she felt like it was not needed for her newborn child to be vaccinated for a sexual transmitted disease. She feels like the ingredients are scary for a young child to take in with an immature immune system. The otherRead MoreA Review Of The Literature Essay1422 Words   |  6 Pagesoutbreak has sparked a renew controversy within the vaccine communities the pro and anti-vaccine camps have been fighting for this issue for a while. After my review of the â€Å"Vaccine Wars.† a Frontline documentary, where the issue is broadly discussed, the â€Å"Vaccine Wars,† gives an inside look at the controversy that is vaccination for children in the United States. To understand this dilemma lets go to the source what is a Vaccine? A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causingRead MoreEssay On The Decision Should Be My Alone1162 Words   |  5 Pagesto a vaccine. Can you imagine being the parent described above within just a few hours of losing this innocent child? Regrettably, this is a sad reality for many parents in America. The author is not a scientist with years of knowledge about this subject, although as a member of an Anti-vaccine group, has heard personal stories similar to the one described above. Oftentimes, parents voice their regret that they spent more time educating themselves about things like car seat safety than vaccine safetyRead MoreShould Vaccinations Be Man datory Vaccinations? Essay1451 Words   |  6 PagesHistory, it seems, is a difficult subject to remember. So often, though they have been through it before, humans seek to make mistakes over again. They strive to end the very wars for which they fought so hard. They protest the very social reform that they championed not long ago. Now they have chosen to engage in another war against the former generations by lashing out at vaccinations, blaming them for health issues such as autism and calling for public schools to eliminate regulations requiringRead MorePoliomyelitis in Nigeria1712 Words   |  7 Pages Introduction For Nigeria, the polio virus is still around in the country because of purely religious reasons. A section of the country, precisely the northern axis spurned a theory that the polio vaccine was fertility control tool of the west. Nothing could be further from the truth! But for intervention of senior clerics and prominent politicians from the area, there would have a standstill in the eradication efforts. To worsen matters, damage had been done by the time of the interventionRead MoreA Brief Look at Polio1848 Words   |  7 Pagesof Polio infection and in 1908; two Austrian physicians Landsteiner and Popper inferred that Polio is a viral infection. Several years later, research actions were launched and in 1955, the first vaccine against the disease was created by Dr Jonas Salk. In 1961, Albert Sabin created the Oral Polio Vaccine which is generally used today. TRANSMISSION Polio is caused by poliovirus, a single stranded positive sense RNA virus, of the genus of Enteroviruses under the family, Picornaviridae.Read MoreA Brief Look at Poliomyelitis1287 Words   |  5 Pagesfailure of the health system because of a raging civil, sectarian war. The case of Pakistan and Nigeria are of religious extremism where they belief the vaccines are causing harm to their children. These are challenges faced with the eradication of this deadly childhood disease to name a few. The problem is not limited to only these countries, even in the United States of America are some Christian extremist who belief this vaccines makes their children sick. The world health organization (WHO), haveRead MorePolio As A Deadly Disease1500 Words   |  6 Pagesdescribes various epidemic breakouts throughout the state and the steps taken to raise money to research and find a vaccine for polio. The greatest innovation during the polio years, the iron lung, is also described in great d etail by Wooten. Before concluding, the author narrates the experimentation that led to the vaccine. Last but not least, she highlights the importance of the vaccine and how it was distributed, ending the polio epidemics. An important argument made by Wooten is that Texas was particularlyRead MoreThe Hidden Life Behind The Zika Virus1195 Words   |  5 Pagesutero, causing brain defects in babies. It can also be spread through blood transfusions or as a Sexually Transmitted Disease. Acetaminophen can be taken for fever and pain, however, it is still a scary disease because of its effects. There are no vaccines that exist for Zika virus. Throughout this paper I will explore the history of medicine from the inside out, looking for relationships between today’s recent Zika virus outbreak and other events in history. Looking back beginning from the 18thRead MoreA Brief Look at Polio1444 Words   |  6 Pagesinto non-paralytic and paralytic; non-paralytic polio is associated with aseptic meningitis while paralytic polio which is the most severe form results in paralysis of muscles of the arm, leg and respiratory muscles. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) is used to prevent polio infection as they provide immunity to the infection. Polio has been effectively eradicated from many parts of the world due to tremendous efforts by Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) launched