Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Effects Of Depression On Athletes And Depression - 1286 Words

On average, today one in ten Americans over the age of 12 takes some sort of antidepressant (Campbell, 2014, p. 572.) The numbers and statistics on depression are astonishing. Throughout my education at temple I have briefly touched on the subject of athletes and depression, respectively. To further expand my knowledge on this topic I looked at multiple areas dealing with the correlation of exercise and depression, as well as, the effect depression has on athletes. These areas included topics such as: depression, the relationship between depression and exercise, struggles of athletes, depression found in athletes, and the idea of athletes overcoming depression. My main focus was to find the struggles that athlete s face that could potentially lead them to develop depression. There are close to half a million-college athletes playing across the country (â€Å"Student-Athletes†, (n.d.) and there are roughly 16 million adults diagnosed with depression (â€Å"Depression.† ( n.d.) Depression is a mental illness that affects more than society shows. Society has this â€Å"don t ask, don t tell† policy on depression. Depression, which is viewed as a weakness, something that many people say, â€Å"you can just get over.† However, just like any serious illness, depression, could be life threatening and takes time to overcome. The American Psychiatric Association characterizes depression as a â€Å"serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.† (â€Å"What IsShow MoreRelatedConcussions in Football Essay1381 Words   |  6 PagesCONCUSSIONS IN FOOTBALL 1 Effects of Concussions in Football CONCUSSIONS IN FOOTBALL 2 Football has become the most popular sport in America. Boys start playing at the age of 6 and, if they turn pro, could play into their 30’s or even 40’s. Some people will say, â€Å"They know what they’re signing up for† or â€Å"The players choose to play the game†. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Relationship Between Organizational Culture -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Relationship Between Organizational Culture? Answer: Introduction Leadership and management are very important within the context of an organization. It forms the backbone or the building block of an organization. The leadership style is reflected within the culture of san organization. A good and positive leadership is extremely important in keeping the employees motivated as well as enhance the productivity of the organization. The leadership styles adopted often varies with respect to individual organizations and further governs the success of the organization. There are many approaches to a leadership model which is defined by the core principles adopted by a leadership model. Some of the chosen core principles for the present assignment are ethics, teamwork and leadership theory based on which the leadership model suitable for the current organization have been developed. Additionally, the issues faced within the implication of the current leadership models have been analysed over here in order to address the specific issues or challenge. Analysing the current leadership model One of the main issues which are faced with respect to the implementation of my current organizational leadership model is low employee engagement. Presently, the Andrews Airport parking has been facing a large number of employee turnovers which had been affecting the survival of the company within the global aviation industry (andrewsairportpark.com 2017). I personally feel that the lack of employee engagement could be accounted to the lack of affective working relationships within the organization. In my opinion, the disengagement of the employees could be attributed to lack of effective leadership styles and approaches. In this respect the personality traits of a leader further governs the kinds of approaches selected by him. A least engaged and callous leader is mostly focused upon getting the work done rather than reflecting upon the means of doing it. According to me this kind of leadership approach is effective in brining a rapid change within the organization. However, as argued by Higgs and Dulewicz (2016), micro changes are needful for a macro transformation. Therefore, proceeding upon the organizational changes gradually could be more practical than focussing upon the end result (Mendenhall et al. 2017). Traits, skills and tasks of an effective leader A number of traits are required for an effective leadership within an organization which areteam building, decisiveness, implementing change leadership. In my opinion, organizational conflicts and authoritarian approaches are some of the factors which hinder the success of an organization by taking away sufficient freedom from the employees. Some of the recent issues which had affected the organizational culture of the Andrews Airport Parking are overworked staffs, less pay, organizational disputes (andrewsairportpark.com 2017). The leaders were ineffective in managing the teams properly as well as lacked required decision making skills. As commented by Rauter et al. (2017), the lack of effective systems and technologies hindered drafting of an affective financial report. This further affected the competing of the organization within the global market. As argued by Higgs and Dulewicz (2016), using systems such as Q-CAT can help in making important organizational decisions. However, t he organization lacked sufficiently skilled management who lacked expertise in the similar areas. Additionally, some of our management staffs were fresh new recruits who had no prior experience in handling and management of similar organizational disputes. Core values of leadership model (refer to appendix) The leadership model is guided by a number of core values such as respect, integrity, authenticity courage, service, humility and wisdom. One of the core principles of the leadership approach used by me over here would be respect. The value of respect emphasises upon treating others with dignity, empathy and compassion. The implementation of respect as the core value of the model also means one needs to learn the skills for earning the respect of others within an organization (Birdand Mendenhall 2016). Therefore, the core value could be expanded into the development of a personal leadership model. Some of the main aspects of leadership which would be taken into consideration by me over here are treating others with dignity, compassion and empathy as well as earning the good will of fellow co-workers. Expected culture of the organisation If the model of organisational leadership is applied to Andrews Airport parking then the main cultural change that will get reflected in the organisation is motivated team which excels in strategic communication, effective listening and high team involvement (Wrigley and Bucolo 2012). An organisational leadership model will lead to a huge transformation in the culture of the organisation which supports shared values, belief and perceptions held by the employees. Because the culture of the organisation reflects behavioural norms that are used by the staffs of the organisation in order to give meaning to the situations that they experienced, it can influence the behaviour and attitudes of the staffs (Tsai 2011). Andrews Airport Parking if leaders on the shoulders of the organisational leadership model, will understand the core values of the organisation that will help in the prevention of the internal conflict and thereby reducing employee turnover. Organisational leadership model also supports functionalist perspective thereby providing an impressive evidence of the role of the culture in the organisation towards improving the overall performance of the employees (Tsai 2011). The cultural of the organisation will be more ethical where the leaders are nimble in balancing truth and loyalty along with short term and long term justice and mercy. Such ethical implications will be strictly impartial and the leaders with make use of the ethical approach to look for the hidden alterative in certain situations which are ethically questionable (Shockley-Zalabak 2014). Effective communication will also take centre stage which will give preference to values, assumptions, belief and expectation (VABEs). Effective communication in turn will focus on the areas of agreement while effectively listening to the messages of other. As per my understanding, this approach of effective listening will reduce the rate of difference among the employees and thereby promoting more team performance via negating disputes (Shockley-Zalabak 2014). Organisational Leadership Seeking to Achieve The model of organisational leadership, as proposed by me as a medium to attain success to Andrews Airport Parking will main seek to achieve three different wings of leadership model. First it will take efforts in understanding the leadership type where the leaders will have positive and ambitious future direction wrapped with clear vision of code of ethics. Next domain that will be excavated will be display of proper leadership in proper domains of the organisation. Here the leadership forces will have a strong commitment towards the well-being and morale of workforce of all level of the organisation. Moreover, it will also preach innovation within the existing work culture (Lee 2011). Lastly, the organisational leadership style will also promote towards the development of effective leadership. Here the forces will have strong ethos towards the personal development while taking accountability for their own work and helping others in emergency situation. Moreover, such leadership sty les will also promote effective program I indentifying evolving talent in the group and thereby providing appreciation to the team mates and increasing the level of employee motivation and job satisfaction. The leadership forces will also move from a target-driven culture towards qualitative model that allows the staffs to use their own discretion on drawing on an evidence base of what works and what not (Lee 2011). Benefits of using leadership model and comparison with existing leadership models There are a number of benefits of using the particular leadership model within the organization such as dissolvent of the internal conflicts along with settlement of the productivity gaps. This form of leadership model is guided by an ethical culture. It consists of a number of informal and formal systems which works together to establish an ethical conduct within the organization. It is further supported by one of the oldest theories of common good, which states that the good of an individual is inseparable from the good of the organization within which the employee works (Rosemann et al. 2014). The leadership model used over here is different from the one currently operated within the Andrews airport parking which follows a stringent set of rules and organisational principles rather than giving the employees the flexibility to work and learn as per their requirement. The goal is move towards a more situational and flexible model. Application of leadership model As a part of the management committee I need to hold sufficient respect and empathy for my staff. My goal would be to understand the personal growth targets of my staff and help them in achieving the same. Therefore, I should not force them to simply satisfy the organizational targets. As commented by Purcell (2014), overworked staff is often the most disengaged staffs and leads to massive organizational turnover. Additionally, another sole concern of the leadership mode used by me would be to earn the good will of the employees working for my organization (Bedarkar and Pandita 2014). This would help me in reducing the massive turnover rates. Some of the programmes implemented by me in this regard would be to train the employees in using the recent technologies as frequently as possible. As commented by Goleman (2017), employee motivation through timely appraisals is another way to motivate the staff. Conclusion In this respect, adopting a situational leadership style would help me in adapting to requirements of the organization gradually. Additionally, adaptation of the model would give more flexibility to the staff for learning and development of their personal skills. In addition, conducting random internal audits can also help in understanding the gaps within the organizational process. The ethical leadership style adopted over here was to emphasise upon the common good of the employees which also takes into consideration their personal growths rather than simply achieving organizational targets References andrewsairportpark.com (2017), andrewsairportpark.com , available at : https://www.andrewsairportpark.com.au/About-Us [Accessed on 26 Jan 2018] Bedarkar, M. and Pandita, D., 2014. A study on the drivers of employee engagement impacting employee performance.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,133, pp.106-115. Bird, A. and Mendenhall, M.E., 2016. From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation.Journal of World Business,51(1), pp.115-126. Goleman, D., 2017.Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press, pp. 591-752. Higgs, M. and Dulewicz, V., 2016. Developments in leadership thinking. InLeading with Emotional Intelligence(pp. 75-103). Cham :Palgrave Macmillan. Lee, G., 2017.Leadership coaching: From personal insight to organisational performance. London: Kogan Page Publishers. Mendenhall, M.E., Osland, J., Bird, A., Oddou, G.R., Stevens, M.J., Maznevski, M.L. and Stahl, G.K. eds., 2017.Global leadership: Research, practice, and development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 156-225. Purcell, J., 2014. Disengaging from engagement.Human Resource Management Journal,24(3), pp.241-254. Rauter, R., Jonker, J. and Baumgartner, R.J., 2017. Going one's own way: drivers in developing business models for sustainability.Journal of Cleaner Production,140, pp.144-154. Rosemann, M. and vom Brocke, J., 2015. The six core elements of business process management. InHandbook on business process management 1(pp. 105-122). Berlin :Springer, pp. 225-264. Sethuraman, K. and Suresh, J., 2014. Effective leadership styles.International Business Research,7(9), p.165. New Jersey:Taylor Francis, pp. 115-198. Shockley-Zalabak, P., 2014.Fundamentals of organizational communication. London: Pearson, pp. 125-231. Tsai, Y., 2011. Relationship between organizational culture, leadership behavior and job satisfaction.BMC health services research,11(1), p.98. Wirtz, B.W., Pistoia, A., Ullrich, S. and Gttel, V., 2016. Business models: Origin, development and future research perspectives.Long Range Planning,49(1), pp.36-54. Wrigley, C. and Bucolo, S., 2012. New organisational leadership capabilities: transitional engineer the new designer?. InLeading Innovation through Design: Proceedings of the DMI 2012 International Research Conference(pp. 913-922). DMI.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Leprosy Is A Chronic Bacterial Disease Of The Skin, Nerves In The Hand

Leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease of the skin, nerves in the hands and feet and, in some cases, the lining of the nose. Leprosy is a rare disease in the United States. Anyone can get leprosy, but children seem to be more susceptible than adults. It is not clear how the leprosy germ is spread, but household and prolonged close contact is important. The germs probably enter the body through the nose and possibly through broken skin. The germs get in the air through nasal discharge of untreated lepromatous patients. Tuberculoid leprosy symptoms are a few well-defined skin lesions that are numb. Lepromatous leprosy symptoms are a chronically stuffy nose and many skin lesions and nodules on both sides of the body. It usually takes about four years for tuberculoid leprosy symptoms to appear and about eight years for lepromatous leprosy symptoms to appear. In most cases, a person will not infect others after about three months of starting treatment. There are two medicines that have to be taken once a month for at least two years for patients with lepromatous leprosy. For tuberculoid leprosy, two medicines should be taken once a month for six months. The best way to prevent the spread of leprosy is the early diagnosis and treatment of people who are infected. For household contacts, immediate and annual examination for at least five years after last contact with a person who is infectious, is recommended Here is more about the bacteria and how it came to. It is a bacterial disease.The causative agent is the Mycobacterium leprae known also as Hansen's bacterum, and it is an alcohol-acid, intracellular rod, about 5 m long, and is indistinguishable from other mycobacteria: for example, mycobacterium tubercolosis. It can be stained with the basic fucsin Ziehl-Nielsen method; when it is alive, it is stained in an uniform way, otherwise it appears irregular and fraigmented. The dead bacterium remains in the human body for many years.