Monday, September 30, 2019
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story Chapter 25
~Part III Hunters Chapter 25 All Dressed Up Tommy stormed around the loft collecting beer cans and breakfast plates and carrying them to the kitchen. â€Å"Bitch!†he said to Peary. â€Å"Shark-faced bitch. It's not like I have any experience at this. It's not like there's Cosmo articles on how to take care of a vampire. Bloodsucking, day-sleeping, turtle-hating, creepy-crawling, no-toilet-paper-buying, inconsiderate bitch!†He slammed an armload of dishes into the sink. â€Å"I didn't ask for this. A few friends come over for breakfast and she goes bat-shit. Did I make a fuss when her mother came over with no notice? Did I say a word when she brought a dead guy home and shoved him under the bed? No offense, Peary. Do I complain about her weird hours? Her eating habits? No, I haven't said a word.†â€Å"It's not like I came to the City saying, ‘Oh, I can't wait to find a woman whose only joy in life is sucking out my bodily fluids. Okay, well, maybe I did, but I didn't mean this.†Tommy tied up a trash bag full of beer cans and threw it in the corner. The crash reverberated through his head, reminding him of his hangover. He cradled his throbbing temples and went to the bathroom, where he heaved until he thought his stomach would turn inside out. He pushed himself up from the bowl and wiped his eyes. Two snapping turtles regarded him from the tub. â€Å"What are you guys looking at?†Scott's jaw dropped open and he hissed. Zelda ducked under the foot of fouled water and swam against the corner of the tub. â€Å"I need a shower. You guys are going to have to roam around for a while.†Tommy found a towel and wrestled the turtles out of the tub, then stepped in and ran the shower until the water went cold. As he dressed he watched Scott and Zelda wandering around the bedroom, bumping into walls, then backing up and slumping off until they hit another wall. â€Å"You guys are miserable here, aren't you? No one appreciates you? Well, it doesn't look like Jody's going to use you. Whoever heard of a vampire with a weak stomach? There's no reason for all of us to be miserable.†Tommy had been using the milk crates he'd carried Scott and Zelda in as laundry baskets. He dumped the dirty laundry on the floor and lined the crates with damp towels. â€Å"Let's go, guys. We're going to the park.†He put Scott in a crate and carried him down the steps to the sidewalk. Then went back up for Zelda and called a cab. When he returned to the street, one of the biker/sculptors was standing outside of the foundry, blotting sweat out of his beard with a bandanna. â€Å"You live upstairs, right?†The sculptor was about thirty-five, long-haired and bearded, wearing grimy jeans and a denim vest with no shirt. His beer belly protruded from the vest and hung over his belt like a great hairy bag of pudding. â€Å"Yeah, I'm Tom Flood.†Tommy set the crate on the sidewalk and offered his hand. The sculptor clamped down on it until Tommy winced with pain. â€Å"I'm Frank. My partner's Monk. He's inside.†â€Å"Monk?†â€Å"Short for Monkey. We work in brass.†Tommy massaged his crushed hand. â€Å"I don't get it.†â€Å"Balls on a brass monkey.†â€Å"Oh,†Tommy said, nodding as if he understood. â€Å"What's with the turtles?†Frank asked. â€Å"Pets,†Tommy said. â€Å"They're getting too big for our place, so I'm going to take a cab over to Golden Gate Park and let them go in the pond.†â€Å"That why your old lady left all pissed off?†â€Å"Yeah, she doesn't want them in the house anymore.†â€Å"Fucking women,†Frank said in sympathy. â€Å"My last old lady was always on me about keeping my scooter in the living room. I still have the scooter.†Obviously, in Frank's eyes, Tommy should be carrying Jody out in a crate. Frank thought he was a wimp. â€Å"No big deal,†Tommy said with a shrug, â€Å"they were hers. I don't really care.†â€Å"I could use a couple of turtles, if you want to save cab fare.†â€Å"Really?†Tommy hadn't relished the idea of loading the crates into a cab anyway. â€Å"You wouldn't eat them, would you? I mean, I don't care, but – â€Å" â€Å"No fucking way, man.†A blue cab pulled up and stopped. Tommy signaled to the driver, then turned back to Frank. â€Å"I've been feeding them hamburger.†â€Å"Cool,†Frank said. â€Å"I'm on it.†â€Å"I have to go.†Tommy opened the cab door and looked back at Frank. â€Å"Can I visit them?†â€Å"Anytime,†Frank said. â€Å"Later.†He bent and picked up the crate containing Zelda. Tommy got in the cab. â€Å"Marina Safeway,†he said. He would be a couple of hours early for work, but he didn't want to stay at the loft and risk another tirade if Jody returned. He could kill the time reading or something. As the cab pulled away he looked out the back window and watched Frank carrying the second crate inside. Tommy felt as if he had just abandoned his children. Jody thought, I guess not everything changed when I changed. Without realizing how she got there, Jody found herself at Macy's in Union Square. It was as if some instinctual navigator, activated by conflict with men, had guided her there. A dozen times in the past she had found herself here, arriving with a purse full of tear-smeared Kleenex and a handful of credit cards tilted toward their limit. It was a common, and very human, response. She spotted other women doing the same thing: flipping through racks, testing fabrics, checking prices, fighting back tears and anger, and actually believing salespeople who told them that they looked stunning. Jody wondered if department stores knew what percentage of their profits came from domestic unrest. As she passed a display of indecently expensive cosmetics, she spotted a sign that read: â€Å"Melange Youth Cream – Because he'll never understand why you're worth it.†Yep, they knew. The righteous and the wronged shall find solace in a sale at Macy's. It was two weeks until Christmas and the stores in Union Square were staying open late into the evening. Tinsel and lights were festooned across every aisle, and every item not marked for sale was decorated with fake evergreen, red and green ribbon, and various plastic approximations of snow. Droves of package-laden shoppers trudged through the aisles like the chorus line of the cheerful, sleigh-bell version of the Bataan Death March, ever careful to keep moving lest some ambitious window dresser mistake them for mannequins and spray them down with aerosol snow. Jody watched the heat trails of the lights, breathed deep the aroma of fudge and candy and a thousand mingled colognes and deodorants, listened to the whir of the motors that animated electric elves and reindeer under the cloak of Muzak-mellowed Christmas carols – and she liked it. Christmas is better as a vampire, she thought. The crowds used to bother her, but now they seemed like†¦ like cattle: harmless and unaware. To her predator side, even the women wearing fur, who used to grate on her nerves, seemed not only harmless, but even enlightened in this heightened sensual world. I'd like to roll naked on mink, she thought. She frowned to herself. Not with Tommy, though. Not for a while, anyway. She found herself scanning the crowds, looking for the dark aura that betrayed the dying-prey – then caught herself and shivered. She looked over their heads, like an elevator rider avoiding eye contact, and the gleam of black caught her eye. It was a cocktail dress, minimally displayed on an emaciated Venus de Milo mannequin in a Santa hat. The LBD, Little Black Dress: the fashion equivalent of nuclear weapons; public lingerie; effective not because of what it was, but what it wasn't. You had to have the legs and the body to wear an LBD. Jody did. But you also had to have the confidence, and that she'd never been able to muster. Jody looked down at her jeans and sweatshirt, then at the dress, then at her tennis shoes. She pushed her way through the crowd to the dress. A rotund, tastefully dressed saleswoman approached Jody from behind. â€Å"May I help you?†Jody's gaze was trained on the dress as if it were the Star of Bethlehem and she was overstocked with frankincense and myrrh. â€Å"I need to see that dress in a three.†â€Å"Very good,†the woman said. â€Å"I'll bring you a five and a seven as well.†Jody looked at the woman for the first time and saw the woman looking at her sweatshirt as if it would sprout tentacles and strangle her at any moment. â€Å"A three will be fine,†Jody said. â€Å"A three might be a bit snug,†the woman said. â€Å"That's the idea,†Jody said. She smiled politely, imagining herself snatching out handfuls of the woman's tastefully tinted hair. â€Å"Now let's get the item number off of that,†the woman said, making a show of holding the tag so that Jody could see the price. She sneaked a look for Jody's reaction. â€Å"He's paying,†Jody said, just to be irritating. â€Å"It's a gift.†â€Å"Oh, how nice,†the woman said, trying to brighten, but obviously disgusted. Jody understood. Six months ago she would have hated the kind of woman she was pretending to be. The woman said, â€Å"This will be lovely for holiday parties.†â€Å"Actually, it's for a funeral.†Jody couldn't remember having this much fun while shopping. â€Å"Oh, I'm sorry.†The woman looked apologetic and held her hands to her heart in sympathy. â€Å"It's okay; I didn't know the deceased very well.†â€Å"I see,†the woman said. Jody lowered her eyes. â€Å"His wife,†she said. â€Å"I'll get the dress,†the woman said, turning and hurrying away. Tommy had only been in the Safeway once before when it was still open: the day he applied for the job. Now it seemed entirely too active and entirely too quiet without the Stones or Pearl Jam blasting over the speakers. He felt that his territory had been somehow violated by strangers. He resented the customers who ruined the Animals' work by taking things off the shelves. As he passed the office he nodded to the manager and headed to the breakroom to kill time until it was time to go to work. The breakroom was a windowless room behind the meat department, furnished with molded plastic chairs, a Formica folding table, a coffee machine, and a variety of safety posters. Tommy brushed some crumbs off a chair, found a coffee-stained Reader's Digest under an opened package of stale bear claws, and sat down to read and sulk. He read: â€Å"A Bear's Got Mom!: Drama in Real Life†and â€Å"I Am Joe's Duodenum†; and he was beginning to feel a pull toward the bathroom and the Midwest, both things he associated with Reader's Digest, when he flipped to an article entitled: â€Å"Bats: Our Wild and Wacky Winged Friends†and felt his duodenum quiver with interest. Someone entered the breakroom, and without looking up, Tommy said, â€Å"Did you know that if the brown bat fed on humans instead of insects, that one bat could eat the entire population of Minneapolis in one night?†â€Å"I didn't know that,†said a woman's voice. Tommy looked up from the magazine to see the new cashier, Mara, pulling a chair out from the table. She was tall and a little thin, but large-breasted: a blue-eyed blonde of about twenty. Tommy had been expecting one of the box boys and he stared at her for a second while he changed gears. â€Å"Oh, hi. I'm Tom Flood. I'm on the night crew.†â€Å"I've seen you,†she said. â€Å"I'm Mara. I'm new.†Tommy smiled. â€Å"Nice to meet you. I came in a little early to catch up on some paperwork.†â€Å"Reader's Digest?†She raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Oh, this? No, I don't normally read it. I just spotted this article on bats and decided to check it out. They're our wild and wacky winged friends, you know?†He looked at the page as if to confirm his interest. â€Å"For instance, did you know that the vampire bat is the only mammal that has been successfully frozen and thawed out alive?†â€Å"I'm sorry, bats give me the creeps.†â€Å"Me too,†Tommy said, throwing the magazine aside. â€Å"Do you read?†â€Å"I've been reading the Beats. I just moved here and I want to get a feeling for the City's literature.†â€Å"You're kidding. I've only been here a few months myself. It's a great city.†â€Å"I haven't had a chance to look around much. Moving and everything. I left a bad situation back home and I've been trying to adjust.†She didn't look at him when she talked. Tommy assumed at first that it was because she found him disgusting, but after studying her he realized that she was just shy. â€Å"Have you been to North Beach? The Beats all lived there in the fifties.†â€Å"No, I don't know my way around yet.†â€Å"Oh, you have to go to City Lights Books, and Enrico's. And the bars up there all have pictures of Kerouac and Ginsberg on the walls. You can almost hear the jazz playing.†Mara finally looked up at him and smiled. â€Å"You're interested in the Beats?†Her eyes were wide, bright, and crystal-blue. He liked her. â€Å"I'm a writer,†Tommy said. It was his turn to look away. â€Å"I mean, I want to be a writer. I used to live in Chinatown, it's right next to North Beach.†â€Å"Maybe you could give me directions to some of the hot spots.†â€Å"I could show you,†Tommy said. As soon as he said it he wanted to retract the offer. Jody would kill him. â€Å"That would be wonderful, if you wouldn't mind. I don't know anyone in the City except the other cashiers, and they all have home lives.†Tommy was confused. The manager had said that she had recently lost a child. He assumed that she was married. He didn't want it to appear that he was trying to make a move on her. He didn't really want to make a move on her. But if he were still single, unattached†¦ No, Jody wouldn't understand. Having never had a girlfriend before, he'd never been tempted to stray. He had no idea how to deal with it. He said, â€Å"I could show you and your husband around a little and the two of you could have a night on the town.†â€Å"I'm divorced,†Mara said. â€Å"I wasn't married very long.†â€Å"I'm sorry,†Tommy said. Mara shook her head as if to dismiss his sympathy. â€Å"It's a short story. I got pregnant and we got married. The baby died and he left.†She said it without feeling, as if she had distanced herself emotionally from the experience – as if it had happened to someone else. â€Å"I'm trying to make a new start.†She checked her watch. â€Å"I'd better get back up front. I'll see you.†She stood and started to leave the room. â€Å"Mara,†Tommy called and she turned. â€Å"I'd love to show you around if you'd like.†â€Å"I'd like that. Thanks. I'm working days for the rest of the week.†â€Å"No problem,†Tommy said. â€Å"How about tomorrow night? I don't have a car, but we can meet in North Beach at Enrico's if you want.†â€Å"Write down the address.†She took a slip of paper and a pen from her purse and handed it to him. He scribbled the address and handed it back to her. â€Å"What time?†she asked. â€Å"Seven, I guess.†â€Å"Seven it is,†she said, and left the breakroom. Tommy thought: I'm a dead man. Jody turned in front of the mirror, admiring the way the LED fit. It was cut down to the small of her back and had a neckline that plunged to the sternum, but was held together at her cleavage with a transparent black mesh. The saleswoman stood beside her, frowning, holding larger sizes of the same dress. â€Å"Are you sure you don't want to try the five, dear?†Jody said, â€Å"No, this one is fine. I'll need some sheer black nylons to go with it.†The saleswoman fought down a grimace and managed a professional smile. â€Å"And do you have shoes to match?†â€Å"Suggestions?†Jody asked, not looking away from her reflection. She thought, I wouldn't have been caught dead in something like this a few months ago. Oh hell, I'm caught dead in everything now. Jody laughed at the thought and the saleswoman took it personally and dropped her polite smile. An edge of disgust in her voice, she said, â€Å"I suppose you could complete the look with a pair of Italian fuck-me pumps and some maroon lipstick.†Jody turned to the dowdy woman and gave her a knowing smile. â€Å"You've done this before, haven't you?†After a visit to the shoe department, Jody found herself at the cosmetics counter where an ebullient gay man talked her into â€Å"doing her colors†on the computer. He stared at the screen in disbelief. â€Å"Oh my goodness. This is exciting.†â€Å"What?†Jody said impatiently. She just wanted to buy some lipstick and get out. She'd satisfied her shopping Jones by reducing the woman in evening wear to tears. â€Å"You're my first winter,†said Maurice. (His name was Maurice; it said so on his badge.) â€Å"You know, I've done a thousand autumns, and I get springs out the yin-yang, but a winter†¦ We are going to have fun!†Maurice began piling samples of eye shadow, lipstick, mascara, and powder on the counter next to the winter color palette. He opened a tube of mascara and held it next to Jody's face. â€Å"This one's called Elm Blight, it approximates the color of dead trees in the snow. It complements your eyes wonderfully. Go ahead, dear, try it.†While Jody brushed the mascara onto her lashes, using the magnifying mirror on the counter, Maurice read from the Winter Woman's profile. â€Å"‘The Winter Woman is as wild as a blizzard, as fresh as new snow. While some see her as cold, she has a fiery heart under that ice-queen exterior. She likes the stark simplicity of Japanese art and the daring complexity of Russian literature. She prefers sharp to flowing lines, brooding to pouting, and rock and roll to country and western. Her drink is vodka, her car is German, her analgesic is Advil. The Winter Woman likes her men weak and her coffee strong. She is prone to anemia, hysteria, and suicide. †Maurice stepped back from the counter and took a deep bow, as if he had just finished a dramatic reading. Jody looked up from the mirror and blinked, the lashes on her right eye describing a starlike Clockwork Orange pattern against her pale skin. â€Å"They can tell all of that from my coloring?†Maurice nodded and brandished a sable brush. â€Å"Here, dear, let's try some of this blush to bring up those cheekbones. It's called American Rust, it emulates the color of a 63 Rambler that has been driven on salted roads. Very winter.†Jody leaned on the counter to allow Maurice access to her cheeks. A half hour later she looked in the mirror, rotated now to the non-magnified side, and pursed her lips. For the first time she really looked like a vampire. â€Å"I wish we had a camera,†Maurice gushed. â€Å"You are a winter masterpiece.†He handed her a small bag filled with cosmetics. â€Å"That will be three hundred dollars.†Jody paid him. â€Å"Is there somewhere I can change? I'd like to see how I look with my new outfit.†Maurice pointed across the store. â€Å"There's a changing room over there. And don't forget your free gift, dear, the Needless Notions Lotion Collection, a fifty-dollar value.†Maurice held up a plastic faux-Gucci gym bag full of bottles. â€Å"Thanks.†Jody took the bag and sulked off toward the changing room. Halfway across the store she picked up the sound of the dowdy saleswoman from evening wear and turned to see her talking to Maurice. Jody focused and could hear what they were saying over the crowd and Christmas Muzak. â€Å"How did it go?†asked the woman. Maurice grinned. â€Å"She went away looking like a Donner Party Barbie.†The woman and Maurice exchanged a gleeful high five. Bitches, Jody thought.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Loren Inc
Case Study Format Program: Supply Chain Management Extension Certificate Case Study Format & Methodology You must use this format to prepare your case study analysis and recommendations for course assignments. Organization Background This section provides the context for the issue / organization being examined. It is necessary and important that the class be given a feel for the type of organization and industry being examined, the marketplace in which that industry operates, and the overall business environment in which the discussion and analysis will take place.Defining the Issue It is extremely important that the Learner / group clearly articulate what the problem / situation is to the class. It is essential that the immediate issue / situation, and other broader issues being examined, relate specifically to Supply Chain Management (SCM) material or service related issue(s). The key concern(s), problem(s), decisions(s), challenge(s) or opportunity (ies) must be clearly articulate d and detailed in order to ensure that the remainder of the discussion is meaningful and actionable.This issue(s) / situation must clearly be important to the organization, a source of major competitiveness or significant profitability / loss. The urgency of the situation must also be clearly articulated. Analyzing Case Data This is where a considerable part of the discussion should be contained: causes and effects (i. e. fishbone diagrams); constraints and opportunities; and, quantitative and qualitative assessments.People, materials, methods, equipment, money, and other factors all lead up to effects that must be examined and determined to be valid or invalid. From there, constraints or opportunities which will impact the analysis need to be examined and factored in to possible courses of action. Decision Criteria It is imperative that criteria be clearly established against which all possible alternatives will be measured or compared against. These criteria provide the basis for evaluation and assessment. They can be classified as quantitative as well as qualitative.Such criteria may include: profit; cost; return on investment (ROI); market share; capacity; risk; and / or, cash flow, to name a few. Qualitative criteria may include: competitive advantage; customer satisfaction; employee morale; corporate image; ease of implementation; synergy; ethics; safety; and / or goodwill, to name a few. There may be other criteria that the Learner / group have determined are essential to the decision making process. Ensure that the criteria chosen are clearly articulated and described.Alternative Analysis and Evaluation Each alternative must be clearly identified. The key advantages and disadvantages of each alternative must be listed and thoroughly discussed. The compare and contrast (pro and con) assessments of each alternative must be done against the decision criteria previously listed and discussed. A matrix format may be used in order to more accurately compare e ach of the alternatives. If multiple decision criteria are being used, weighting of each of the criteria must be applied.It is also important to look at the short and long term results of each alternative, and to assess the best, the worst, and the most likely outcomes for each alternative. Qualitative and quantitative analysis will be required. It will also be necessary for the student to use the various supply chain management tools and techniques learned throughout the certificate program to determine those possible outcomes.  © Mount Royal University Continuing Education, Supply Chain Management Extension Certificate, 2013 1 Action and Implementation PlanBased on the predicted outcomes and the comparative strengths and weaknesses of each alternative, the most logical conclusion and alternative should be the one selected by the Learner / group. However, a combination of alternatives may be the more reasonable approach, utilizing the strengths of various alternatives and elimina ting, where possible, the weaknesses of the selected alternatives. The proposed actions and implementation plan must minimize the disadvantages while taking advantage of as many of the strengths as possible.The action plan must be specific and include: who, what, when, where, and how. A contingency plan would also be useful in case things do not go as expected. The implementation plan should include a set of milestones and a schedule for everyone to measure their success against. Assumptions, Presentation & Organization It is important for the Learner / group to clearly identify all assumptions being made when they have been used, and to clearly articulate why case data was unavailable and / or not used.This reflects real life where not all of the information is available to make the most accurate decision possible. If the assumptions are not exactly correct, the implementation plan and contingency plan must be flexible enough to be able to react to any necessary changes. All assump tions used must be reasonable and be as â€Å"true-to-life†as possible.  © Mount Royal University Continuing Education, Supply Chain Management Extension Certificate, 2013 2
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Machiavelli in practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Machiavelli in practice - Essay Example The success of the quote will be looked at as well. â€Å"A man who is used to acting in one way never changes; he must come to ruin when the times, in changing, no longer are in harmony with his ways.†This quote means that some rulers are stubborn. They feel that their way has worked for years. Their way is right. However as the world changes the ruler is disposed due to his unwillingness to change. Whether a country changes politically, economically, territorially, or otherwise a ruler must be able to rule the changed country. If the ruler does not change to meet the new challenges, the ruler will be overthrown. An example from history about a man never changing is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler came to rule Germany during an economic crisis. His policy of a greater Germanic race had an underlying policy of war. Hitler wanted to rule Europe as a pure Aryan race with the Slavic peoples as slaves or dead. When the war begin going against Hitler, he refused to change his policies. Hitler could have surrendered, but he did not want to. His vision of conquering Europe blinded him. If he would have changed, Hitler might not have eventually been defeated. Saddam Hussein is another example of a man unwilling to change. Hussein ruled Iraq with an iron fist. Iraqis that opposed him were put to death or tortured. Hussein invaded Kuwait. Hussein’s goal was to rule Iraq with an iron fist. After the first Gulf War, Hussein was placed under a monitoring system through NATO. He defied the order over and over. Nothing happened for turning away NATO inspectors or continuing down the path he was on. However, after 9/11 the threat of a nuclear Iraq was intolerable to the United States. It was not true, but even the appearance of the threat was unbearable. Hussein did not change with the times. He kept baiting the United States. As a result America invaded Iraq. Hussein was eventually
Friday, September 27, 2019
Ecology Of Long Island Sound Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words
Ecology Of Long Island Sound - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that ecology is the scientific study of the interrelationships of plants, animals, and the environment. In recent years, the word has sometimes been misused as a synonym for environment. The principles of ecology are useful in many aspects of the related fields of conservation, wildlife management, forestry, agriculture, and pollution control. The word ecology is generally believed to have been coined by Ernst HAECKEL, who used and defined it in 1869. The historical roots of ecology lie not only in natural history, but in physiology, oceanography, and evolution as well. It has occasionally been called scientific natural history because of its origin and its heavy reliance on measurement and mathematics. Ecology is variously divided into terrestrial ecology, fresh-water ecology, and marine ecology, or into population ecology, community ecology, and ecosystem ecology. Thus while assessing the impact of human intrusion or activities on Long Island Sound’s ecology; all of the above intrinsic aspects of the definition of the ecology need to be kept in mind. This paper outlines that many areas, on the globe, are reported to be in state of ecological and environmental neglect and the impact of such neglect have been documented variedly in the literature as Khoshoo states, with support from the literature, â€Å"Today we are faced with both positive and negative impacts of past development which should put us on guard for the future with regard to the limits of growth and development.... In general, a place has such a character or 'atmosphere'. A place is therefore a qualitative, 'total' phenomenon, which we cannot reduce to any of its properties, such as spatial relationships, without losing its concrete nature" (Norberg-Schulz 1979, 8).For example, Canter (1977) described place as the intersection of a setting's physical characteristics, a person's individual perceptions, and the actions or uses that occur in a particular location (cf. Bonnes and Secchiaroli 1995, 170-174; Pretty et al. 2003). Place has been described as the point where the setting's physical and cultural characteristics meld with the individual's affective perceptions and functional needs (Bott 2000)". Before one could begin the study of the impact of human activities on the ecology of a region; it must be clear as to what is implied by the term ecology. Ecology is the scientific study of the interrelationships of plants, animals, and the environment. In recent years, the word has sometimes been misused as a synonym for environment. The principles of ecology are useful in many aspects of the related fields of conservation, wildlife management, forestry, agriculture, and pollution control. The word ecology (Greek, oikos, "house," and logos, "study of") is generally believed to have been coined by Ernst HAECKEL, who used and defined it in 1869. The historical roots of ecology lie not only in natural history, but in physiology, oceanography, and evolution as well. It has occasionally been called scientific natural history (a phrase originated by Charles ELTON) because of its origin and its heavy reliance on measurement and mathematics. Ecology is variously divided into terrestrial ec ology,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Business environment - Essay Example The pre-privatization organization of electricity in United Kingdom is symbolized by broad vertical integration of production, transmission, distribution and its supplication (DTI, 2006). For instance, the structure of nationalized industry in Wales and England was control by one huge production and Transmission Company called CEGB which sold electricity in mass to 12 area distribution boards. Each of them served a franchise or a closed supply area. In Scotland, existed two vertically integrated boards that practiced regional monopolies though they cooperated nearly in utilization of their producing plant into ensuring that the demand was catered as viewed in the figure below: One of electricity innovation sector at privatization was the building of electricity pool of Wales an England (DTI, 2006). The pool become one of initial mechanisms of its type and thus, there involved little experience on other countries to rely on its creation and regulations connected with it. In its establishment, considerable weight was offered to arrangements functioned pre-privatization by CEGB, the time when electricity system was publicly-owned and centrally organized. Electricity Association (2002), after the first increase in numbers of licensed electricity suppliers functioning in electricity supplying market, the modern increase in acquisition and merger practices proposes the trend toward consolidation of electricity supply market. Electricity Association (2002) points onto the lowering prices and relentless competition, since spurring on companies gets a chance of consolidation to ensure they become more competitive (Electricity Association, 2001). There has been the recent trend into integration of production and supplication in recent years. In July 1998, Powergen purchased East Midlands Electricity as National Power purchased Midlands Electricity supply business. After the National
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
BUSINESS ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BUSINESS ETHICS - Essay Example Ethics, after all, encompass wider perspectives of human concerns ultimately affecting business organizations. Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell (2009, 6) define business ethics as â€Å"the principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business†. As businesses comprise a greater majority of the world’s human activities, the importance of studying ethics come as a necessity rather than a matter of natural occurrence. Businessmen interact with diverse stakeholders in capacities ranging from employees, creditors, customers, directors, stockholders, government entities, and the community, as a whole. In this regard, they are obliged to abide by a set of standards which guide their actions and decisions in order to protect the stakeholders’ interests which they serve. Accordingly, each professional endeavor is governed by a code of ethics which encompass principles and values of integrity, objectivity, competence, respect and protection of legal and personal rights, confidentiality, nondiscrimination, promotion of wellness, refusal to participate in illegal and unethical acts, following scientific and ethical research procedures and compliance with state and federal laws, among others. Studying business ethics would assist individuals, as part of the organization, to discern their personal values that affect or influence the performance of their required responsibilities. By learning theoretical ethical concepts and their applications in business, individuals are made aware of the need to recognize relationships between legal and ethical decisions. Business ethics discusses the concepts on leadership and management where managerial responsibilities for the conduct of subordinates need to conform to ethical codes for guidance and compliance. The study of ethics give direction to promote the ethical behavior expected of stakeholders in the business setting. It
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Compare various types of Realistic writing Essay
Compare various types of Realistic writing - Essay Example However, for Bret Harte, the American dream remains a remote reality, even though his writings revel in the West, especially, California. In ‘The Outcasts of Poker Flat’, the lines, ‘With him life was at best an uncertain game’ (Perkins and Perkins, 2007, p. 485) shows Harte’s belief that the American dream is unattainable.  For Red Cloud and Hopkins, the West was their home, so when the settlers began to invade, they felt that their settlement and their existence is threatened. Red Cloud’s speech to the Cooper Union in 1870 in New York shows his views: ‘All I want is right and justice’ (Perkins and Perkins, 2007, p.493). This is considered as the precursor of the demands of equality and justice for different American communities. A similar undertone is sensed in the writings of Sarah Hopkins, a prominent female Native American Activist who wrote, Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims’. In her narrative, the viol ent invasion by the Whites around 1840s, is vivid and emotive (Perkins and Perkins, 2007, p.495). For both Red Cloud and Hopkins, the West represents their own identity and this identify represents the American Dream. References Twain, M (1884) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In Perkins, G, and Perkins, B, Eds. (2007). The American Tradition in Literature, Volume II, 12th edition. (142-143) New York: McGraw-Hill Harte, B (1869). The Outcasts of Poker Flat.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Risk Management - Essay Example 14,040. b) Total indirect (uninsured) lost time accident costs = 36*650 => ? 23,400. c) The indirect (uninsured) cost of non lost time accidents =12*630 => ? 7,560. d) The total costs of injury accidents = 7,560 + ? 23,400 => ? 30,960. e) The cost of injury accidents per employee = 30.960/633 => ? 49. f) The total cost of damage accidents = 2500*85 => ? 212,500. g) The total accident costs for XYZ factory = 7560 + 212,500 + 23,400 =>? 243,460. h) The average accident cost = 243,460/3 => ? 81,153. i) The average accident cost per employee = 243,460/633 =>? 385. 2. Probability distribution of damage for an airplane Notes: It can be observed from the diagram above that the probability of occurrence of damage increases up to a certain maximum value and then falls drastically to zero. The probability of damage can be determined at different damage levels. The mean, median and the 90th percentile level of damage can be obtained. The 90th percentile represents the highest possible damage ex pected. 3. Principles of portfolio theory Positive correlation principle- this principle applies when the investment takes a positive move. For instance, in foreign exchange the upward or downward movement of two or more assets classes indicates a positive correlation. Investing in class of items that has high positive correlation helps in reduction of risk. ... To manage risk negative correlation implies that part of your investments may retain their value or improve while the rest deteriorates in value. The risk is manageable since one investment loses and the other gains. 4. Main elements of insurance premiums The amount of money paid in an insurance policy (premium) depends on the following elements. 1) Intended use- the amount of premium paid will vary depending on the use of the commodity insured. For instance, a private car and a public car require different premiums. 2) Mortality charges- Charges used to cover the eventuality on an individual. Many companies, belief that young men cause a large number of accidents; hence, they charge them high premiums. 3) Saving component- Some of the premium paid is used for reinvestment in order to generate returns which the policy holder receives in terms of bonuses or maturity amount. 4) Geographical location- People who live in densely populated areas; that have high traffic density tend to pay higher premiums. In these areas, the incidences of losses are more pronounced. 5. Influences of the following factors on elements of premiums A. The insured expected losses: When the level of loss expected is high, then the amount of premium to be paid is also high. Mortality charges will increase with the age of the insured since the expectation of death is high in old age. B. Potential variation around the insured’s expected loss: Changes in geographical location and age are associated with increased vulnerability to loss. These changes may imply an increase in premium to the insured. C. Risk sharing arrangement between the insured and the insurer. Sharing of risks between the insured and the insurer implies payment
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Assessment and Assessment Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Assessment and Assessment Techniques - Essay Example Formative assessment is a contrast of summative assessment because summative assessment seeks to monitor outcomes of education for external accountability. Developmental stages are the stages that a child goes through from childhood to adulthood. According to the study made by Erickson, the interaction of a person’s body, cultural influences, and mind determines development. With this in mind, Erickson organized eight development stages which progress from birth until death. The eight stages of development include: Infancy (birth to eighteen months), early childhood (eighteen months to three years), play age (three to five years), school age (six to twelve years), adolescence (twelve to eighteen years), young adult (eighteen to thirty five years), middle adulthood (thirty five to sixty five years), and late adulthood (sixty five to death). During my teaching profession, I sought to understand the assessment of the ever changing developmental stages in children. In this respect I planned an activity that would enable me to assess the differing developmental stages of the children in my work setting. This paper explores the devised plan, and implements a formative assessment activity, that takes into account the needs and interests of the children within my work setting. It demonstrates a systematic process of planning, evaluation, implementation, and the rationale for the design. Rationale for planning and implementing an assessment activity. The rational for formative assessment is quite clear and vivid. To start with provision of feedback, formative assessment provides feedback to the teachers so that they can modify the experience, and learning activities that are subsequent. Feedback involves focusing on the content that is being learnt (Blight, S. 2000). This is the epicenter of formative assessment. It facilitates self assessment development, clarifies the essence of good performance, and it is used in the provision of quality information to learner s concerning their learning. Feedback also boosts self-esteem and positive beliefs, and motivates peer and teacher dialogue in learning. Apart from this, formative assessment is important tool to be used to remediate the deficiencies of children (Cowie, B. 1999). It increases the self efficacy of a child and reduces the effect brought about by extrinsic motivation by moving the focus from obtaining grades into the process of learning. This method of assessment also improves the students’ metacognitive recognition of how they can learn (Black, P. 2000). It enables a teacher to fine tune instructions so that the students can focus on learning progress. Being motivated by the rationale for formative assessment, one thinks of an appropriate activity that could be used to assess the developmental stages in children. From many choices of formative activities and, techniques, the appropriate activity that can be used to quench the need for an assessment is the use of the tray painti ng activity with the help of an age and stage questionnaire (ASQ) for analysis. Planning and implementation of this technique is made possible by the use of a lesson plan shown below. Assessment
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Adenosine Triphosphate and Aerobic Respiration Essay Example for Free
Adenosine Triphosphate and Aerobic Respiration Essay Comparison chart Embed this chart Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration DefinitionAerobic respiration uses oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is respiration without oxygen; the process uses a respiratory electron transport chain but does not use oxygen as the electron acceptors. Cells that use itAerobic respiration occurs in most cells. Anaerobic respiration occurs in bacteria, yeasts, some prokaryotes, erythrocytes (red blood cells), and in muscle cells. Production of lactic acidDoes not produce lactic acidProduces lactic acid (in lactic acid fermentation but not in alcoholic fermentation) Amount of energy releasedHigh (36-38 ATP molecules)Low (2 ATP molecules) ProductsCarbon dioxide, water, ATPLactic Acid Fermentation lactic acid, ATP Alcoholic Fermentation ethyl alcohol, ATP, carbon dioxide Reactantsglucose, oxygenglucose Site of reactionsCytoplasm and mitochondriaCytoplasm StagesGlycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport ChainGlycolysis, Fermentation combustioncompleteincomplete Contents: Aerobic vs Anaerobic Respiration The process of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration 1. 1 Fermentation in anaerobic respiration 1. 2 Krebs cycle in aerobic respiration 2 Energy efficiency of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration 3 Video comparing Aerobic Respiration vs Anaerobic Respiration 4 References The process of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration The sugar molecules stored in the food are broken apart through enzyme-mediated reactions and the energy released is absorbed by cells. This process is much more effective in the presence of oxygen through aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen in order to generate energy (ATP). It is the preferred method of pyruvate breakdown from glycolysis and requires that pyruvate enter the mitochondrion in order to be fully oxidized by the Krebs cycle. The product of this process is energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), by substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2. Anaerobic and aerobic respiration share the initial pathway of glycolysis but aerobic metabolism continues with the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. The post glycolytic reactions take place in the mitochondria in eukaryotic cells, and in the cytoplasm in prokaryotic cells. Fermentation in anaerobic respiration Without oxygen, pyruvate is not metabolized by cellular respiration but undergoes a process of fermentation. The pyruvate is not transported into the mitochondrion, but remains in the cytoplasm, where it is converted to waste products that may be removed from the cell. This serves the purpose of oxidizing the hydrogen carriers so that they can perform glycolysis again and removing the excess pyruvate. This waste product varies depending on the organism. In skeletal muscles, the waste product is lactic acid. This type of fermentation is called lactic acid fermentation. In yeast, the waste products are ethanol and carbon dioxide. This type of fermentation is known as alcoholic or ethanol fermentation. The ATP generated in this process is made by substrate phosphorylation, which is phosphorylation that does not involve oxygen. Krebs cycle in aerobic respiration The Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle, or the tricarboxylic acid cycle) is a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions, which is of central importance in aerobic respiration. the citric acid cycle is part of a metabolic pathway involved in the chemical conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into carbon dioxide and water to generate a form of usable energy. Other relevant reactions in the pathway include those in glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation before the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation after it. Therefore, carbohydrates break into sugar and then into ATP. The overall process of aerobic respiration can be understood by the following reaction. C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€gt; 6CO2 + 12H2O + energy. Energy efficiency of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration Aerobic metabolism is 19 times more efficient than anaerobic metabolism (which yields 2 mol ATP per 1 mol glucose). Anaerobic respiration is less efficient at using the energy from glucose since 2 ATP are produced during anaerobic respiration per glucose, compared to the 38 ATP per glucose produced by aerobic respiration. This is because the waste products of anaerobic respiration still contain plenty of energy. Ethanol, for example, can be used in gasoline (petrol) solutions. Glycolytic ATP, however, is created more quickly. For prokaryotes to continue a rapid growth rate when they are shifted from an aerobic environment to an anaerobic environment, they must increase the rate of the glycolytic reactions. Thus, during short bursts of strenuous activity, muscle cells use anaerobic respiration to supplement the ATP production from the slower aerobic respiration, so anaerobic respiration may be used by a cell even before the oxygen levels are depleted, as is the case in sports that do not require athletes to pace themselves, such as sprinting. Video comparing Aerobic Respiration vs Anaerobic Respiration References http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Cellular_respirationoldid=320134686 Related Comparisons Oxygen vs Ozone Oxygen vs Ozone Mitosis vs Meiosis Mitosis vs Meiosis DNA vs RNA DNA vs RNA Photosynthesis vs Respiration Photosynthesis vs Respiration Mold vs Yeast Mold vs Yeast Comments: Aerobic Respiration vs Anaerobic Respiration Facebook Anonymous (4) Stay informed Get email alerts when new comparisons are published in these categories: Science L Biology Related Comparisons Oxygen vs Ozone Mitosis vs Meiosis DNA vs RNA Photosynthesis vs Respiration Mold vs Yeast Follow Diffen Make Diffen Smarter. Log in to edit comparisons or create new comparisons in your area of expertise! Sign up  » Top 5 Comparisons 1. Democrat vs Republican 2. Animal Cell vs Plant Cell 3. Meiosis vs Mitosis 4. Affected vs Effected 5. 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Friday, September 20, 2019
Formations And Techniques In Soccer Physical Education Essay
Formations And Techniques In Soccer Physical Education Essay Different type of formations may be used depending on the skill of the opposite team but also whether the team is playing more attacking or defending. A 4-2-4-1 formation is a soccer formation with only one striker upfront. The striker is the player located highest up the field, his main task is to score goals for the team. Before we could analysis the 2 players in the case, we would like to look at some of the tips to be a good striker. A good striker must be able: Kick the ball in the goal (good at striking). A striker who can score goals on a regular basis will become important to his team. As a striker, he needs to learn to score with all different parts of the body. Shot on Site (aiming). In today game, scoring opportunities are so rare as compared to last time, so when the striker has the chances to shot, dont wait. In addition, good strikers must constantly running (good agility and speed), trying to create spaces and taking risks. It only takes one. Many strikers will beat players and create space for themselves, but yet hesitate to shoot in front of goal. Figure 1 below shows the no of times both the player score a goal, saved with 2 hands and blocked. Preliminary analyses from Figure 1, revealed that player B tends to score more goals (13) than player A (8), since the coach are looking for a striker, the ability to saved with 2 hands and blocked are not so important as compared to the ability to score. Figure 2 shows the no of chances both player A and B missed by shooting the ball wide away from the goal post, shooting the ball too high in front of goal post and missed a goal even in front of the goal post. As observed, player A tends to have higher misses (12) than player B (2), in terms of shooting the ball wide. The different of shooting the ball too high is not too great among the 2 players. In summary, as compared to player A, player B is a key returning scorer, who averaged a healthy 13 goals in the last season. His expertises on attack puts extreme stress on opposing defenses. He is sharp on the goal, seldom placed the ball wide. However, he tends to have some misses when he is near the goal post. The final choice: Player B to be selected. Figure 1 Players able to score Figure 2 Players not able to score Part B What is periodization? Periodization is defined as a process to structure the training program into phases, where athletes will train progressively and with variety. In general, a standard periodization plan consists of macro cycle (2-4 months), meso cycle (2-6 weeks) and micro cycle (5-7 days) which last for at least 12 months. Tudo Bompa is the man who improved the training system invented by the USSR, the improved periodization system stressed the importance of having different training stress throughout the year rather than to maintain a constant training plan. Using this method, Tudo Bopma has produced 11 medalists in various Olympics including 2 gold medals and 2 World championships for: track and field and rowing (Wikipedia, 2010). The importance and relevance of periodization in sports Many times, athletes are no longer motivated to train because they realized that their sport performance have not improved, no matter how hard they train hard. Having periodization is the way to change the athletes training program at regular intervals so that the athletes can work harder. Periodization can be applied to many various sport ranging from cycling, marathon, rowing and it can be used it on both male and female. Periodization training, in particular includes 7 different major components, they are technical, strength, power, speed, anaerobic, aerobic and mental. A study conducted for 34 women at the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State University has proved that a periodized strength-training program can give better results than a non-periodized program The women in the periodized group have gained more in lean muscle, greater reductions in body fat and more strength gains than the non-periodized group after 12 weeks (Marx, J.O, 2001). Factors that affect periodization Periodization plan can be affected by several factors, these includes training stress and non training stress. Athletes undergo training or competition too intensively will usually become fatigue after sometimes. Fatigue is one of the factors that affect the athletics sport performance; hence coaches developing the periodization plan must includes management of fatigue also. Athletes are human after all, they will get sick and injured sometimes, when athletes are sick they are no longer able to continue and follow the periodization plan. Other non training stresses are: Lack of financial support from family or association, Lack of motivation from the athletes themselves, Social environment like countries at war, unrest, Too much travelling that causes sickness among some athletes. Description of the success of the periodization plan The success of the periodization plan is when all the athletes are able to complete all the competition that the coaches have planned, with no injuries and sickness, they are able to achieve their peak sport performance and win medals for the countries, clubs etc. Training plan for Mark Figure 1 Macro Cycle for 12 months for Mark in 2010 2011 Observations in relation to the skills, motor abilities and types of training in a training plan for Mark. According to Dr Ivan Astori (Dr Ivan Astori, 2010), a full knee reconstruction surgery is a major operation. Patients like Mark will experience high degree of pain after the operation and pain medication will be needed for the first 1 to 3 days. He will be able to sit in a chair and walk with crutches within 1 to 5 days. Mark will then undergo rehabilitation and physiotherapy till he is able to straighten out, flex and bend his knee. Next, he will be able to swim after 2 weeks of the surgery. After 2 to 3 months, the patient will be walking, biking and golfing, although running and jumping are discouraged. A full recovery to full strength is expected to take up 6 months. A successful soccer player like Mark, he needs to rely on the precise coordination of stability, agility and power production, hence during the periodization cycle, needs such as proprioceptive and kinesthetic awareness components must be heavily trained so to put him back into competitive level. In addition, footwork drills are also important for him because of the numerous quick and rapid changes in direction and speed that occur during the match. With all these in mind, a periodization plan that includes different frequency, different intensity, time of training and type of training like aerobic, anaerobic, speed, power, strength, technique, tactics, will need to plan for him. Specific objectives on the various phases of training/cycles in his training plan. A typical English Premier League season will start in Aug and ends in May next year, hence the periodization plan has to start in Sep and end til Jul when the new season starts in Aug. The periodization plan for Mark were broken into different meso level like General Preparation, Specific Preparation, Pre Competition, Competition, Recovery cycles as shown in figure 1 and also the different volume and intensity level. First, in the general preparation cycle which last for 5 months, since Mark is still recovering from his knee surgery, all the training will be concentrating on building his overall strength, improve his mental skill and aerobic level, but the level of intensity and volume must be maintained at low level (e.g. range 1 to 2, as shown in figure 2). The types of training could include swimming, cycling, weight training and slow jogging. All the training will be increased progressively from 1st to the 5th month without the comprised of the players injury. Second, in the specific preparation cycle which last for the next 5 months, Marks training will be concentrating on Speed, Power and Mental skill, however as compared to the previous 5 months, the intensity and volume will have to slightly increase by 1 tick. The job of training speed in soccer can be very complex and it must be planned properly. Here are some of the attributes that will make a better player: Speeding quickly off the mark Accelerating quickly over 10-15 yards Good speed endurance Fast possession of the ball Fastness of feet or agility Able to change direction quickly The ability to execute skills quickly Fast in thinking (Sporting Excellence Ltd, 2010) The types of training are as follow: At the start of a training session, speed training like speed drills that completed over short distances with rests can be conducted, e.g. 6 X 25 meters each (500 meters total) with 2.5 minutes rest between each rep. Soccer players must have the ability to maintain high levels of speed, even when tired, speed endurance e.g. run a long distance 150 yards at full intensity (90% 100%) with full recovery 15 minutes between each repetition. The types of Power training for Mark are weight training that includes high intensity, high weights and fast moving reps. The weight training will accomplish two of the main goals for the players; they are injury prevention and improved performance. Third, in the pre-competition and competition cycle which last for 1 month and 8 months respectively, emphasis should be given to technique, tactical, mental skill and anaerobic training. Technical training should include improving the skill of kicking, dribbling, passing, shooting, throw in and heading. The 2 major components of soccer tactics are how to attack and defend. Tactical drills are executed in training sessions to develop an understanding of the tactics to be used in the next games against the weaknesses of the opposition team. The most popular type of anaerobic training for soccer players is interval training. This helps the soccer players to develop strength through short bursts of speed in a variety of actions such as stopping, turning, and directional changes. Lastly, in the recovery cycle which last for at least 1 month, there are several methods can be apply to the players such as complete rest, like taking a 1 week break without any soccer training, go for massage, there are some positive effects of massage, these include relief of muscle fatigue and reduction of excessive swelling. Relaxation techniques can also improve the players ability to focus. Also, go to see a doctor for any physical damages to the players body. Figure 2 Volume Vs Intensity for the Macro Cycle Tapering Tapering is defined as the practice of reducing exercise in the days just before an important competition, tapering is used in many endurance sports, such as the marathon, athletics and swimming. A significant period of tapering like a week or more is essential for optimal performance. During tapering, volume, intensity, load of the training should be reduce so that the players can achieve peak performance during the game. Specific intervention strategies to improve Marks movement skills and fitness. The following are some of the strategies help to improve Marks movement skill and fitness: To build up the strength and endurance of his leg muscles, in particular doing weight training for quadriceps and hamstrings. The type of weight training for quadriceps are squats (3 sets of 15 reps), lunges (3 sets of 15 reps), leg extension, leg lifts , leg press and for hamstrings are leg curls, leg dead lift, lunges. To improve his cardiovascular conditioning, Marks need to move his body with his large muscle groups over a sustained period of time. these exercise can be cycling, swimming, jogging, circuit weight training.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Monopoly :: essays papers
Monopoly The Monopoly a) Using Australian examples describe the characteristics of the two of the following forms: Monopoly Oligopoly The main characteristics of an oligopoly are: Â · The market is dominated by only a few companies, which are relatively large. Â · The production of identical products which are similar. Â · There are significant barriers to entry. Â · The interdependence of production decisions within the market. An Oligopoly market exists in which a small number of firms dominate the supply to an entire market. Each firm producers a very similar product. In Australia the oligopoly is the major market form. It is because Australia is so small market located far from overseas markets and this thus requires producers to be larger, so they are more competitive. There are hundreds of examples of oligopolistic industries, e.g. cars (Holden), breakfast cereals (Kellogs) This market form does not only depend on the larger producers, but the recognition of their interdependence, the action of one producer will affect the actions of others and each oligopoly firm watches their rivals closely. Oligopolies compete fiercely for market share, therefore the competition for existing or new consumes is intense, as each producers products are very similar. As a result oligopolists have little influence over price. For example Shells petrol is very similar to Mobil petrol, therefore these two companies watch each other closely. Oligopoly firms attempt to make their products different in the eyes of consumers. This can be achieved in many different ways. Firstly by providing quality improvements in goods or services such as electrical sound equipment, secondly by different packaging or wrapping, thirdly by bonus offers or prizes on purchase, for example Just Jeans offering free sunglasses. The more product differentiation among oligopoly firms, there is a more chance of each firm has being independent from its rivals when setting price or output. It is hard for new firms with a small market share to enter the oligopoly market and produce enough to make the product cheap for consumers to buy. The small amount of large firms can often produce large amounts of quantity to provide for all consumers to purchase. It is difficult for new firms to win market shares form existing producers, particularly if those firms have large advertising budgets, licenses, design patents or restrict access to raw materials on one way or another.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Modern Collegiate A Cappella Essay -- Music Art Cultural Essays Histor
Modern Collegiate A Cappella Introduction A cappella is a relatively young art form that is catching the interest of many people across the nation. The popular movement is believed to have been started in 1909, when part of the Yale Glee Club broke off and formed the Yale Whiffenpoofs, the first collegiate a cappella group; the Whiffenpoofs exist to this day, and the a cappella movement has only grown in popularity. Throughout the middle decades of the 20th century, professional a cappella groups attracted a lot of attention for their renditions of popular songs. As this new progressive style caught on, the a cappella art form evolved from its roots in harmonically complex barbershop quartets into a more modem and freely structured type of music. The trend-setting groups remained attentive to musicality, but left behind the rigidity commonly associated with barbershop performance. Songs like "Mr. Sandman," by the Chordettes, and "It Won't Be Very Long," by the Soul Stirrers, showed people that a cappella could be exciting and also that it could tackle a multitude of musical genres. The next big developments in a cappella came on the collegiate front. While professional groups retained their popularity, their numbers did not increase much toward the end of the 20th century. On the other hand, the number of college groups skyrocketed during this same time period. According to the Mainely A Cappella website's history of a cappella, since 1989, there have been about 20 new groups formed at schools across the nation every year. 1 This paper suggests that the reason for the drastic spike in collegiate interest in a cappella is because students began to realize the wide range of creative expression that can be achieve... ...ed methods of making music. 3 Quotation from Michael Kendall's "Philosophy of Music Education." See reference list. Works Cited: 1.Bethel College Website. Michael Kendall, "Philosophy of Music Education." s/finearts/music/phil.htm. 2. Hemsley, Thomas. Singing and Imagination. Oxford University Press. 1998. 3. Mainely A Cappella website. "A Century of A Cappella." http://www.a-cappella.corn/misc/history.php. 4. Sawyer, Keith. Group Creativity – Music, Theater, Collaboration. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. 2003. 5. Singer, Irving. Feeling and Imagination – The Vibrant Flux of Our Existence. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2001. 6. Schoenherr, Steve. "Recording Technology History." mml#di ital. 7. Ward, Finke, Smith. Creativity and the Mind. Plenum Press. 1995.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Development of the American Experience, Thomas Jefferson
This passage is found on page 136, left column, fourth paragraph. This passage is used by Thomas Jefferson to argue on the necessity of establishing a government to replace the old structure of governance erected and maintained by the British crown. The passage establishes the basis for the dissolution of the American people’s â€Å"political bands†(Jefferson 136) and affiliation with Great Britain by stating that although changes in the government should never be taken lightly, it is unfortunate that many people are likely to prefer and even tolerate the wrongdoings and evil deeds promoted in the existing system for the sake of familiarity.In general, people are afraid of the disruption brought about by systemic changes because they are afraid of uncertainty. However, they have to realize that it is their right to initiate changes in terms of government when there is enough reason to do so, such as wanton abuse of power of leaders or corrupt practices or â€Å"wheneve r any form of government becomes destructive†or poses a hindrance to the achievement of human rights to â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.†(Jefferson 136)Jefferson observes that the prevailing conditions under the governance of the â€Å"present king of Great Britain†points to such circumstance of â€Å"injuries and usurpations†(Jefferson 137) which have severely impeded the political and social life of the American people. Clearly, Jefferson uses this line of argument to convince the people of the morality of self-governance and of declaring independence vis-a-vis the state of being enslaved and virtually dependent on the British for political, social, and economic sustenance.By acknowledging the doubts and difficulties that surround the decision to break the ties with the long time British ruler, Jefferson and his followers wanted to arouse a sense of righteous anger in the face of the historical abuses committed by the king and his g overnment. For instance, he reminds his audience of how the British king has â€Å"plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, & destroyed the lives of our people.†(138)In effect, Jefferson encourages his audience to rise up against the tyrannical form of government imposed by a foreign ruler through the systematic use of violence and violation of human rights. In bringing up the general hesitance of the populace, Jefferson mocks and prods them into recognizing the validity of separation and of establishing their own government as a last resort in the face of the continued refusal of the British king to petitions for redress.(139)It is evident from Jefferson’s â€Å"The Declaration of Independence†that the need to form an independent government is made inevitable in order to protect the inherent rights of the American people from another government which is exploitative and tyrannical. Undoubtedly, it is through this concept of tyranny in governan ce that societies are able to form their own distinct ideas of what a government or the state of social relations should be like.Thomas Jefferson would later expound on the meaning of tyranny through religious bigotry and intolerance when he proposes the passage of an act to establish religious freedom as a human right. (141) The necessity of enacting legislation to prevent religious tyranny, which presupposes the superiority of a single religion over others and promotes the propagation of religion through coercion and imposition of religious ideas and opinions over others, shows that the government functions as a regulatory mechanism for guaranteeing human rights, including ensuring that one’s human right does not deprive another of his or her rights.Thomas Paine argues, for instance, thatâ€Å"government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil†(133) to demonstrate that government only becomes a social necessity when the members of society have become too corrup ted and too selfish so that they must be forced to acknowledge and perform their obligations toward others in order to experience peace and security, or when the people experience misery because of the intrusion of the government of another people.In many ways, both Jefferson and Paine’s conception of the role and relevance of the government as a social institution bears resemblance to the concepts explored by Rosseau in his thesis on the Social Contract, wherein he traces the historical roots of the birth of societies and governments, and describes the ideal relationship between the government and the people or the sovereign. Like Rosseau, Jefferson and Paine condemns the impulse towards tyranny that promotes the clash between the minority and majority interest, as represented by the tendency of the few to promote their selfish interests at the expense of others.This is exemplified in Jefferson and Paine’s account of the American experience under British rule, wherein both authors find the American people fully justified in announcing separation and in establishing â€Å"a government of our own†as â€Å"our natural right. †(Paine 135) Rosseau’s influence on the conception of nationalism on American thinkers such as Jefferson and Paine is also evident in the concepts of territory and the boundaries of private and social property that the authors use to justify the call to revolt against British colonization.This is clearly stipulated in the reasons that Jefferson and Paine enumerates, wherein they invoke the inherent human right to self-determination. (Ibid) Indeed, Jefferson’s argument on the right of the people to â€Å"alter or to abolish†a government based on its inability to protect the rights of the citizens and when it becomes an impediment towards the realization of full human development was made at a time when people lacked the confidence to believe that they were capable of governing themselves.How ever, Jefferson’s concept of the right of the people to a government that fully reflects and represents their collective interests and aspirations continues to resound to this day, when new forms of tyranny and new forms of oppression persists, oftentimes under the cloak of democracy or for the pursuit of human security.It is not a stretch of the mind to note the persistence of social problems such as intolerance and discrimination based on religion, gender, or social status, or the continued poverty experienced not only by the American people more so by the rest of the world, that effectively prevents the full realization of human rights and potentials that Jefferson and Paine have so boldly championed, and on which the democratic ideals of American society were built on.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Analysis of the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe Essay
The nineteenth century poet Edgar Allen Poe makes use of several literary devices in order to create a gloomy atmosphere in his poem â€Å"The Raven†. Alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia, assonance, and repetition are used to contribute to the melodic nature of the work and provide an almost â€Å"visual†representation of his gothic setting. Poe is a master of using these writing techniques. â€Å"The Raven†is one of his most popular works. This is certainly due, in part to his use of these literary devices in this piece. The poem tells of a narrator who is reading an old book in his parlor when he is interrupted by a knock at the door. The protagonist is in a period of grieving over the loss of his love, Lenore. At first, he wonders who the visitor might be and resolves to inform him or her that he is indisposed at the moment. The narrator finally opens the door only to find no one there. He returns to the chair (which Lenore will no longer occupy), only to hear the rapping again. He decides that the sound may be coming from the window, so he opens it. A raven enters through the window and lights upon a bust of a mythological figure that the narrator has in his room. The narrator questions the raven concerning its name, the bird answers â€Å"nevermore†. This startles the speaker, and he wonders aloud if the bird will leave him just as all of his friends seem to do. Again, he is answered by the raven â€Å"nevermore†. As the protagonist progressively becomes more and more upset with the situation, he decides that the raven must go. He even demands that the raven leave. The response â€Å"nevermore†is once again given by the bird, which refuses to go. The narrator finally concludes that his soul is inextricably tied to this foul beast and he is to be forever tormented by it. The melodic nature of the poem and its very gloomy tone is reinforced by Poe’s choice of words and the sound effects that they convey. By the use of rhyme, the poem is made to flow much like a song when read aloud. For example, the second line and the last three lines of every stanza rhyme with each other. Many other internal rhymes are also found within the lines of the poem. In fact, the first line of the poem contains an internal rhyme â€Å"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary†. Another example is found in Line 31 which reads â€Å"Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,†The poem is rife with such examples. Poe also uses repetition to accentuate the musical quality of â€Å"The Raven†. Obviously, the repeating of the word â€Å"nevermore†is used throughout the work not only to convey a sense of musicality, but to suggest the melancholy theme of this piece due to the connotations that the word expresses (lines 48, 54, 60, 72, etc.). Poe also uses repetition in other sections of the poem. In lines 16 and 17, we read â€Å"’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; – Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;†In these lines, we get the impression that the speaker is trying to reassure himself that there is no sinister force at work, but simply a visitor at his door. Edgar Allen Poe was extremely talented at choosing words which not only support the fluidity of the work while also reinforcing the tone. Alliteration is another literary device which is used throughout â€Å"The Raven†. Alliteration is the repetition of beginning consonant sounds. â€Å"The Raven†is full of examples of alliteration. An instance of this device is seen in line 26, in which the â€Å"d†sound is repeated: â€Å"Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;†While another example is found in line 45: â€Å"’Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,’ I said, ‘art sure no craven,’†In the previous sample, the â€Å"th†sound, as well as the â€Å"sh†sound are used for effect. Poe craftily uses assonance throughout this piece, as well. Assonance is the repeating of a vowel sound in a line. Line 13 gives us an example of assonance as Poe couples the words â€Å"†¦purple curtain†. Immediately following this, he begins line 14 with the assonant words â€Å"Thrilled me-filled me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Again, we see such a choice of words in line 59: â€Å"†¦hopes have flown†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . However, line 71, gives us perhaps the best example of Poe’s use of assonance when he writes â€Å"†¦grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt†¦Ã¢â‚¬ when describing the bird. Edgar Allen Poe also employs onomatopoeia in â€Å"The Raven†. Onomatopoeia is a technique of using words which imitates the source of a sound which is described. An example is found when the â€Å"rapping†and â€Å"tapping†upon the speaker’s door and window is described (lines 3,4,5,21,22, and 32). Poe also offers onomatopoeia in line 37, when he uses the words â€Å"flirt and flutter†to describe the raven entering from the window. Another fine example is found in line 80 in which the writer mentions the â€Å"tinkle†of foot-falls on the floor. â€Å"The Raven†offers a fine example of how the use of sound effects and other literary devices can be used by writers to establish a tone that creates a â€Å"mood†within the reader. Poe’s mastery of these tools is quite impressive. He artfully gives an illustration to writers, readers, and students of how to make full use of these implements to create the precise air of dread that Poe desires to convey, while maintaining the beauty of a flowing, melodic poem.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
This paper concerns the personal strengths and weakness of my own life. The details I will be presenting are what I consider my best and worst strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of this paper is to clearly define each of these and figure out a way to learn how to solve my weaknesses and make my strengths even stronger. Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses are essential part of the overall learning processes. Just as we understand which methods and techniques help us to learn at an optimal level, understanding our strengths and weaknesses help us to become more self conscious and well-rounded individuals. I believe that life is our personal experiences and everyone has certain attributes with their personal strengths and weaknesses. . Being aware of what are my best strengths can help me overcome my worst weaknesses. In the past, I have had a hard time recognizing my weakness but as you get older, you become more aware of your weaknesses. I feel that recognizing your strengths and weaknesses is what makes you a successful person in any aspects of your life. I feel that one of my greatest strengths is that I love to learn. Life to me is a never-ending learning experience. As we go through our life it is vital that we learn who we are and have the ability to grow from our own strengths and weaknesses. I feel by overcoming my weaknesses and reinforcing my strengths that I will become more successful in both my personal and professional life. My strengths, which include good analytical skills, and good computer skills, are offset by my weaknesses, which is procrastination and dreadful writing and grammar skills. I believe one of my greatest strengths is my analytical skills. I love working with numbers and figuring out complicated problems. This is why I chose Accounting for my profession. I love working with numbers and figuring things out. Very few people love working in accounting. Another of my strengths is my computer skill. I am a very fast learner when it comes to figuring out new computer software or hardware. This stems from my husband who I have learned a lot from over the past eight years. His profession is in the computer software business. Often the people I work with will turn to me for help with configuring their computers or formatting a Word document. I had a difficult time narrowing this list to just one or two faults that I would mention here. My one of my most weaknesses is that I am a major procrastinator. Over the past few years, I have tried to work on this fault by reading books and lectures. I feel the only way to stop procrastinating is through determination, commitment, and a desire to change. I believe I possess the determination and desire, and I commit today to apply myself to making this change in my personality. I feel that this next weakness can either be considered a fault or a strength and that is organization. I am a compulsive organizer and sometimes that tends to slow me down on projects. It also takes time away from my children because I am such a perfectionist and organizer. I do not think anyone is perfect but I do think we all strive to be our best. The first step is to improve our weaknesses by learning from them everyday. I think that by using are strengths to improve our weaknesses would be a very efficient process we all could learn. I think that taking this class will definitely improve my weaknesses and help me learn more about my strengths Both my personal and professional life.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
How a Bill Becomes a Law Essay
Nearly 10 percent of children in the United States suffer from asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dealing with a chronic health condition like asthma has several significant effects on a child’s lifestyle. Childhood should be fun and carefree, but kids with asthma have to take on some very big worries and responsibilities. They need to learn which symptoms and events are likely to trigger an attack, such as cold weather, exercise, stressful situations and exposure to secondhand smoke. Kids, their families and other caregivers must all learn to recognize the signs of an attack and how to respond to it quickly, such as using a steroid inhaler during acute attacks. Some kids also take daily maintenance medications, such as bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs, which may reduce the risk of future attacks. Being active is a key component of being healthy and physical activity is a major part of many kids’ lives. However, kids with ast hma often have limitations that make it difficult to participate in sports, active playground games and activities like dancing. Asthma doesn’t usually prevent kids from participating in these events, but they are often at greater risk of experiencing an asthma attack in these situations. Both the children and the adults on the sidelines need to be aware of the possibility that an asthma attack could occur and what to do if it does. Anything that makes a child stand out can cause feelings of embarrassment and even shame. Kids with asthma may fear having an attack at school, or feel uncomfortable about having to use an inhaler in the presence of their friends. They may feel left out when they can’t always participate in activities with their peers. Having any serious, chronic illness is scary, and kids with asthma need extra emotional support to develop additional coping skills. Asthma often causes missed school days and these absences from school can quickly lead to a child falling behind. Kids with asthma may need extra tutoring to keep up with their classes, and understanding teachers who are aware of their students’ health issues are crucial. In some cases, severe or frequent asthma-related illness and hospitalization may even require parents to consi der homeschooling. Parents of children who have asthma often worry constantly about their child. When a child is first diagnosed with asthma there tends to be frequent emergency room visits due to the fear of the parents for their child’s safety. This situation impacts the whole family. Places that are unhealthy for an asthma sufferer are avoided, which can keep the other family members from having these experiences. The direct costs of asthma are estimated at more than $9.4 billion. This cost is born by individuals, families, health systems and insurance providers according to the Allergy and Asthma Advocate.
English Football and Its Economy
Introduction In English 92 professional football clubs are registered in 4 divisions. There are 20 clubs in the Premiership League, which is the first division league, below Premiership League, there is a League called Championship League, which is the second division league and there are 24 teams, the third division league is called League One even though it is not the first division and there are also 24 clubs, and the bottom league is called League Two and 24 teams are registered. Today, it is said that the English Premiership League is the wealthiest league in the world. If you are football lover Roman Abramovich is the name you would certainly know, who is one of the most famous owners in England or even in the world. He was named Person of the Year in 2003, and now he is ninth richest person in Russia and fifty-third richest in the world. He is estimated to have had invested in Chelsea Football Club more than 440 million pounds since he took over in June 2003 until January 2006. Moreover, Abramovich spent 50 million pounds for a record British transfer fee on Spanish footballer Fernando Torres in January this year. There was also big takeover of the club ownership in August 2008. Manchester City Football Club was purchased by Abu Dhabi United Group who is a United Arab equity company owned by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, member of the Abu Dhabi Royal Family and Minister of Presidential Affairs for the UAE. After the takeover they immediately signed high profile players such as Robinho for a British record of 32. 5 million pounds at that time. Following year Manchester City spent more than 100 million pounds on players. For one of the most famous football club Manchester United Football Club, they are ranked the third richest football club in the world. English football is not all about money. Of course the quality of football is undoubtedly at the top level but what is making English football more exciting is football fans in England. It is said that the football fans are very passionate and fanatical. On the other hand, their excessive passion towards their local football club sometimes make things very dangerous. Their excessive acts eventually lead to hooliganism. 1985, there was a controversial incident in Brussels when Liverpool Football Club played against Italian team Juventus in Champions League, and 39 people were killed and 400 people were injured in this tragedy. In this case study, we will look deep into the economy of major football clubs such as Chelsea and Manchester United as well as Manchester City. We will also look into history of hooliganism. Introduction of Professional English Football As it is briefly explained in Introduction, Professional English Football League is formed with ninety-two clubs divided in four leagues. There are twenty teams in the top league, English Premiership, the Premiership clubs are as follow: Arsenal Football Club, Aston Villa Football Club, Blackburn Rovers Football Club, Bolton Wanderers Football Club, Chelsea Football Club, Everton Football Club, Fulham Football Club, Liverpool Football Club, Manchester City Football Club, Manchester United Football Club, Newcastle United Football Club, Norwich City Football Club, Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club, Stoke City Football Club, Sunderland Association Football Club, Swansea City Football Club, Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, West Bromwich Albion Football Club, Wigan Athletic Football Club, and Wolverhampton Wanderers Manchester United won the league in 10-11 season. On the other hand, there was an intense relegation battle in Premiership League. In Premiership League regulation, three teams automatically go down to the league below, which is Championship League. Bottom three of season 10-11 were West Ham United Football Club, Blackpool Football Club, and Birmingham City Football Club For the Championship League, there are twenty-four teams, the teams who belong to Championship League season 11-12 are: Barnsley Football Club, Birmingham City Football Club, Black Pool Football Club, Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club, Bristol City Football Club, Burnley Football Club, Cardiff City Football Club, Coventry City Football Club, Crystal Palace Football Club, Derby County Football Club, Doncaster Rovers Football Club, Hull City Football Club, Ipswich Town Football Club, Leeds United Football Club, Leicester City Football Club, Middlesbrough Football Club, Millwall Football Club, Nottingham Forest Football Club, Peterborough United Football Club, Portsmouth Football Club, Reading Football Club, Southampton Football Club, Watford Football Club, and West Ham United Football Club For the League 1, there are also twenty-four teams, the teams in League 1 are: Association Football Club Bournemouth, Brentford Football Club, Bury Football Club, Carlisle United Football Club, Charlton Athletic Football Club, Chesterfield Football Club, Colchester United Football Club, Exeter City Football Club, Hartlepool United Football Club, Huddersfield Town Football Club, Leyton Orient Football Club, Milton Keynes Dons Football Club, Notts County Football Club, Oldham Athletic Association Football Club, Preston North End Football Club, Rochdale Association Football Club, Scunthorpe United Football Club, Sheffield United Football Club, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, Stevenage Football Club, Tranmere Rovers Football Club, Walsall Football Club, Wycombe Wanderers Football Club, and Yeovil Town Football Club For the League 2, again, there are also twenty-four teams, the teams in the League 2 are: Association Football Club Wimbledon, Accrington Stanley Football Club, Aldershot Town Football Club, Barnet Football Club, Bradford City Association Football Clu b, Bristol Rovers Football Club, Burton Albion Football Club, Cheltenham Town Football Club, Crawley Town Football Club, Crewe Alexandra Football Club, Dagenham & Redbridge Football Club, Gillingham Football Club, Hereford United Football Club, Macclesfield Town Football Club, Morecambe Football Club, Northampton Town Football Club, Oxford United Football Club, Plymouth Argyle Football Club, Port Vale Football Club, Rotherham United Football Club, Shrewsbury Town Football Club, Southend United Football Club, Swindon Town Football Club, and Torquay United Football Club History Of Hooliganism in football The hooliganism in football is said to be first introduced around 1960’s. Historical hooligans were called â€Å"roughs†. They caused trouble at matches throughout the 19th century. Some extreme cases the roughs attacked referees and visiting players. In the 60’s football as a sport began to get more media attention, so did the fights and disorder. In the 60’s hooligans were more organized than it is today. We do not see outrageous incident frequently nowadays. European Cup final in 1985, when Liverpool against Italian side Juventus at Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium, 39 fans mostly Italian were killed. English clubs were banned from participating in European Cup for five years, and Liverpool were initially banned for 10 years but later reduced to six years. 14 of Liverpool fans received conviction for involuntary manslaughter. What Makes A Person Hooligan Name of hooligan is said to come from the Irish word â€Å"houlie†, which means a wild and spirited party. Definition of hooligans is quite vague, this is because the word â€Å"hooligan†was created by media in 60's. On the dictionary, it is stated â€Å"rough and lawless youth†. However, this statement does not really explain who the hooligans are in football. Hooligans come to watch the game with extremely strong local prides. This kind of extreme fans does not appreciate away fans to come in to their local territories. Hooligans usually have strong feelings towards their supporting club. On top of that, hooligans love and enjoy to be involved in football disorder that they come to matches with intention of riot, which they think it cool to do. Most of the times, the incidents happen before or after the matches on the street or in pubs. There are three types of hooligans: 1. Hooligans who come to a match with intention of vandalizing. 2. Hooligans who do not make themselves get involved in actual violence but set up commotion. 3. Hooligans who do not start a riot by themselves but get involved in a riot by seeing others are doing so. From our point of view, hooligans are who disrupt the peace of matches and vandalize both away fans and policemen, and properties around and inside the stadium such as cars, pubs, and houses. In terms of organized violence between hooligan gangs, a feeling of community, tribalism, and enjoyment of being involved in disorder are obviously in evidence. Can The Football Hooliganism Be Defeated The approach taken by the British authorities to reducing football hooliganism has been largely reactive: Increasing sophisticated policing, surveillance and monitoring techniques, segregation of fans, and restriction on alcohol etc. The British Government has also introduced specific legislation to cover acts of hooliganism. While such measures are evident elsewhere in Europe, the German, Dutch, and Belgian authorities, in particular, have been more proactive in their approach to the problem. The development of a scheme called â€Å"fan’s coaching†appears to have had an impact on levels of violence in certain areas. There is, however, a general lack of initiative from the major football clubs in Europe. While German clubs are involved to an extent in the â€Å"fan coaching†schemes, elsewhere there is little contact between club officials and the fan groups. For instance, Urawa Reds have a strong bond between club officials and supporters. It is suggested that local â€Å"fan’s forums†, which allow genuine dialogue between officials and supporters may help to reduce some of the problems. Causes Football hooliganism and the ‘ultras’ movement are too complex to be attributed to one cause only, yet there are several ways that lead down the path of violence. Most hooligan organizations are located in poor neighborhoods, where people have less opportunity for entertainment and they choose to go to football matches. Troubled with their lives, they prefer to spill their rage and anger on the pitch and on the stands instead of try and work on achieving more. A common cause for hooliganism in the past was alcohol but nowadays no professional club allows any kind of alcohol to be sold at the stadium or in a radius of several hundred meters. Another reason while people go wild during football games is city rivalries. The so-called derbies are often filled with a lot of excitement and tension and the losing team’s supporters are not happy to see their team sink. There are also organized gangs called football firms that go to matches with the single purpose of fighting with other firms from the city rivals. Conclusion English football industry is very active in terms of the movement of money on players’ transfers. As it has been mentioned, after the take-over of Manchester City Football Club in 2008, Abu Dhabi United Group has invested more than 44o million pounds on players. For the first transfer window, which was in summer 2008 after the take-over, Manchester City spent almost 79 million pounds. Following summer they spent almost twice as much of 120 million pounds. Last summer they spent around 90 million pounds. Having been taken over Manchester City have been better and better as a team. They finished 3rd last season, which means they are qualified to play at Champions League. The Background of Chelsea Football Club seem to be similar to Manchester City. Chelsea were purchased by Roman Abramovich who is a Russian Billionaire. Since the take-over in June 2003, Abramovich is estimated to have spent about 475 million pounds. On the first season for Abramovich Chelsea finished second in Premiership, and they concrete themselves as regular in top three. Next season Chelsea won the first league champion honour under new owner within two seasons. After the take-over by Abrmovich Chelsea have won three champion titles in total and they compete in Champions League every year. Unlike these two clubs, Arsenal have different kind of ownership. Arsenal’s parent company, Arsenal Holdings plc, operate as non-quoted public limited company. They have comparatively small amount of budget they can use on transfers. Each season Arsenal has been spending 10 million pounds. However, Arsenal is undoubtedly successful in terms of quality of football and players. The reason for this is that Arsenal have good eyes on prospective young players. Arsenal have been successful on players without investing enormous amount of money to win the title. Thiery Henry, Cesc Fabregas, and Jack Willshere are all grew under Arsenal manager Arsene Weger. In 03-04 season they managed to win the title, but one game at either Premiership or Champions League, starting players were all foreign players from outside the U. K. They had good young talents but from outside home country. There may be impression if the club is wealthy they can buy star players and they can eventually win the league. Like Manchester City and Chelsea they have been successful on transfers, they can relatively buy any player unless players’ attached clubs refuse to negotiate. However, before it was only Chelsea who used to be rich as a club many expensive players went to Chelsea because of high salary but today, after Manchester City’s take-over Chelsea and Manchester city seem to be in competition. There are also other foreign owners in Premiership, for instance, Aston Villa is now in hand of Randy Lerner who is also the owner of American Football team in America. Liverpool was also sold to New England Sports Ventures. Premiership seems such an attractive field in terms of business for foreigners. On the other hand, there are many clubs that go into administration. Crystal Palace and Portsmouth are the good example. Portsmouth went into administration during 09-10 season they were deducted nine points. Crystal Palace also went into administration last year and deducted ten points from Championship League. Premiership is said to be the richest League in the world, however, at the same time there is always a chance to fail big time as well. Media is always on hoe the money is moving within football field, but we have to see football substantially and know football is not all about money. Hooliganism Conclusion We have learned that many clubs are taking actions to combat this problem. This may be because if the supporters cause some incidents, destroy properties and injure people, that club will be heavily fined, and for the worst case, they would be banned to participate in a competition. As I have mentioned earlier, 1960’s was the peak of football hooliganism. It can be seen that actions taken by clubs has been successful, however, it is still difficult to zero the hooligans. Hooliganism is a part of the culture for British in particular. Furthermore, as long as the exaggerated media report this extent of football disorder excessively, there would still be people who will be influenced by it.
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